View Full Version : Riding in Cool/Cold Weather

10-05-2017, 07:35 AM
This morning the temp was in the mid 50's and I noticed that the engine temp was about 1/3 upscale. Two questions:
1. Is is okay to run the engine that cool?

2. How cold will some of you ride?

I rode in the 30's and 40's regularly on my Victory Cross Country.

10-05-2017, 07:49 AM
Glad you asked this question I'm curious about this too. I live in the northeast and I try and ride all year. Basically if it's dry out and I can squeeze in a ride I will. The coldest I've gone for a ride was in the 40s and man was that cold. I had no issues I did notice that the fan did not come on but that kind of made sense to me.

10-05-2017, 07:54 AM
On my 2012 RT with air vents it was common to be at 2 bars during 35-40 degree weather and even 1 Bar a few times.

10-05-2017, 07:56 AM
On my 2012 RT with air vents it was common to be at 2 bars during 35-40 degree weather and even 1 Bar a few times.

The 998 engine definitely doesn't have heat issues when it's cold outside!

10-05-2017, 07:57 AM
You drive your four wheel vehicles in cold weather; no difference with a Spyder. cold weather isn't going to hurt them. Dress appropriately. I ride into the 30s.

10-05-2017, 08:01 AM
You drive your four wheel vehicles in cold weather; no difference with a Spyder. cold weather isn't going to hurt them. Dress appropriately. I ride into the 30s.

True, although the cold weather doesn't cause my car engine temperature to drop like it does on my Spyder. But, we are talking about a much smaller engine that is not enclosed as much!

Mr. White
10-05-2017, 08:06 AM
While my group, The Hill Country Road Riders, ride 12 months a year, my pain thresh hold now is 40 degrees. The cold seems to bother me more as I get older. I have ridden with them @ 27 once, but it was too cold. Most have electric jackets and certainly heavy clothing. The good part about our area in south Texas is it warms up during the day....it may start out at 40 but goes up as we putt along.


Buckeye Chuck 54
10-05-2017, 08:10 AM
MY '14 RT gets run all year. In winter sunshine makes all the difference. If it's dry I can get out for a few miles in the 30's. I've got a heated seat and grips, a good pair of gloves and I'm good to go. Maybe someday I'll spring for a heated vest.

10-05-2017, 08:11 AM
This morning the temp was in the mid 50's and I noticed that the engine temp was about 1/3 upscale. Two questions:
1. Is is okay to run the engine that cool?

2. How cold will some of you ride?

I rode in the 30's and 40's regularly on my Victory Cross Country.

Internal combustion engines run by causing little explosions in a timed sequence. If it will run, it can't be too cold. The designers spend all of their time trying to keep them from running too hot!

10-05-2017, 08:20 AM
Two days ago, I needed to go for an early morning health appointment, about 7 or 8 miles away. Headed out a little after 8:00 am, temp around 40 F. Decided to go by bike rather than cage. I let the motor on the F3L warm up a bit, but I had gone a couple of miles before the first temp bar even showed on the dash. Hands were quite cool, gloves on. Wasn't until I reached my destination that 4 full temp bars showed. I only stayed about 15 minutes before heading back home. Bike was warmer by then and heated grips were up and working, so more comfortable. 1330 performed well; no problems.

10-05-2017, 08:22 AM
We ride year round, last year on the first of January we spent all day riding and it started at 27 degrees and never got over 34 that day. My wife rides with heated gloves, pants and jacket and even has a pair of snowmobile boots that she will put on. All I need is my heated jacket or heated vest.

10-05-2017, 08:27 AM
A day of riding in the 40's can get you cold without heated gear. But the RT has the best wind protection and heated grips of the bunch and you can put your legs up to the radiator vents to get a little heat now that it's fall. Good gear and sometimes a little duct tape around the pant leg/boot gap can be your friend on a cold damp morning-- :yes:

10-05-2017, 08:58 AM
I've ridden to work some this week. Monday, it was 41˚F when I left the house, and today it was 47˚. I'm cool after a 25 minute commute, but not uncomfortable, wearing just regular gear (but heavy gloves). The days are getting shorter, so I'm getting to see the sun rise over the mountains as I ride in.

The reward is the 70˚ weather for the ride home!

10-05-2017, 09:07 AM
My coldest ride so far was 29 degrees. Cold weather will not hurt these bikes. Probably going to be lower 40's and possibly upper 30's some mornings at the Maggie Valley rally. Not going to stop me from riding though.

10-05-2017, 09:14 AM
They use these same engines in the snowmobiles and they run in really harsh weather. Unlike some of the deisel engines where you need to heat them up before starting them up in freezing weather these will fire up and run fine...:thumbup:

10-05-2017, 11:00 AM
rode around 0 several times when it was around 0 without heated gear just lots of layers. We do the polar bear run every year on 1 January. Now have the heated grips so will be easier to ride when it is cold.

10-05-2017, 11:22 AM
I ride year round, yes, I live in the panhandle of Florida, but it does get cold her in the winter (30's sometimes). As mention in other posts, it's ok to ride-just dress for the ride. Dale

10-05-2017, 11:29 AM
This morning the temp was in the mid 50's and I noticed that the engine temp was about 1/3 upscale. Two questions: 1. Is is okay to run the engine that cool? 2. How cold will some of you ride? I rode in the 30's and 40's regularly on my Victory Cross Country.

As long as your coolant is 50/50, you'll be fine. Just like your car/truck.
This morning it was +3 C ... about 37 F. That's v-e-r-y cool but we still ride, knowing that it will warm up later in the afternoon.

10-05-2017, 12:14 PM
Things I have learned in over 200,000 Spyder miles. You can ride in the heat, you can ride in the cold, you can ride in the rain, you can ride in snow (well a little snow). You can wash your Spyder with water and you can run it on any gas that you can find (it won’t run without gas)

10-05-2017, 01:41 PM
Things I have learned in over 200,000 Spyder miles. You can ride in the heat, you can ride in the cold, you can ride in the rain, you can ride in snow (well a little snow). You can wash your Spyder with water and you can run it on any gas that you can find (it won’t run without gas)
You are a trooper, and every word above is true.

10-05-2017, 01:50 PM
I learned to drive motorcycles when I lived in Minnesota in the 60's. My coldest--about 15 below zero. Riding in the neighborhood to perfect my shifting technique on my first motorcycle. A Yamaha 80. Those were the days before motorcycle riding gear was very popular. Jeans, long sleeve shirt, winter jacket, stocking cap inside the Bell helmet.

Forward to 2017. It's already turned cold. 40's in the day and 30's at night. My current thresholds are I am done when the snow and black ice comes to my country road. :spyder2: does not do well on ice. I will ride in the 20's but that is about it now. When it becomes an endurance ordeal--I park it. :yes:

No warm up needed for the :f_spider:. Mine are kept in a 50 degree, heated garage.

10-05-2017, 03:01 PM
My used 2013 RTL ran fine last winter until the snow plows ran 2 days in a row, then the next clear day I rode it into storage. HEATED GRIPS, best option I've ever had on a cycle......
Here in MN, Snowmobiling clothes are as common as swimsuits in Florida, below 0 riding on dry roads is the same as riding a sled. (Actually I think I feel warmer behind the 998 engine).

10-05-2017, 03:05 PM
The coldest ride I've ever experienced was 16F across the deserts of SoCal in February several years ago. That was on my Wing. Never want to do it again!

10-05-2017, 04:45 PM
The Victory Cross Country Tour that I traded had heated grips and seat, with a big fairing. The only thing that really got cold on me was my knees. The air flow around the lower fairings put air directly on my knees, so I wore knee pads when it was really cold.

The Spyder heated grips respond quickly, that is nice.

I like to ride year round. Although, I would rather ride when it is 35 rather than 95!

10-05-2017, 05:06 PM
10jan2016 I rolled out of the garage heading for a Patriot Guard ride, it was 21 degrees. when we rode thru Washington Pa it was 15 degrees up along rt 18. bike was fine, I thought I was gonna freeze solid! I cut my new foam grip covers off so I could get more heat through my gloves. i'll not ride under 30/35 degrees again unless I absolutely have to until I can afford heated gear.

10-05-2017, 05:28 PM
10jan2016 I rolled out of the garage heading for a Patriot Guard ride, it was 21 degrees. when we rode thru Washington Pa it was 15 degrees up along rt 18. bike was fine, I thought I was gonna freeze solid! I cut my new foam grip covers off so I could get more heat through my gloves. i'll not ride under 30/35 degrees again unless I absolutely have to until I can afford heated gear.

Last year a friend gave me a heated liner, I just need to get an adapter to plug it in. Need to start on that since it is cooling off.

10-05-2017, 07:35 PM
I ride down to 30 degrees in the mornings to work, but that's my limit. I have rode in colder weather, but it's just torture on me. Watch the road for icy spots at all times in the cold.
I have insulated gear, but not heated . I love my heated grips, but I wish I could afford a heated seat though.

10-05-2017, 07:57 PM
Geez, you guys are talking about too cold to ride. Here in Tucson our riding season is just beginning. Road the BMW Roadster (R1200R LC) today and

still too hot 102* on the asphalt highway. We used to ride our snowmobiles in MSP some times below O*. Snowmobile suit, gloves and boots. Really it

was not bad. Rode M/C 's in temps below freezing if roads were clear. Oh, did I mention when riding the sleds we stopped every hour for a shot of Snow

Shoe. ( one half Christian Bros. Brandy and one half Peppermint Schnapps mixed together ) All the Wisconsin and Minnesota folks know what I am

talking about, right? You Betcha! :D


10-05-2017, 08:11 PM
Geez, you guys are talking about too cold to ride. Here in Tucson our riding season is just beginning. Road the BMW Roadster (R1200R LC) today and

still too hot 102* on the asphalt highway. We used to ride our snowmobiles in MSP some times below O*. Snowmobile suit, gloves and boots. Really it

was not bad. Rode M/C 's in temps below freezing if roads were clear. Oh, did I mention when riding the sleds we stopped every hour for a shot of Snow

Shoe. ( one half Christian Bros. Brandy and one half Peppermint Schnapps mixed together ) All the Wisconsin and Minnesota folks know what I am

talking about, right? You Betcha! :D


You Betcha. :yes:

10-05-2017, 09:49 PM
They use these same engines in the snowmobiles and they run in really harsh weather. Unlike some of the deisel engines where you need to heat them up before starting them up in freezing weather these will fire up and run fine...:thumbup:
:agree::agree::agree: My friends and I took a one week trip at the top of Maine .... this was right after the Terrible / famous ICE Storm that crippled the North east .... In the morning it was usually 35 below ZERO and didn't get above ZERO everyday ..... None of our various machines failed to start ... and they were out all night .... So gas engines aren't harmed by the cold ....jmho ... Mike :yes:

10-05-2017, 09:56 PM
Firstgear from Ron.I bought one about 2 years ago.It will extend your riding season.A good product from a great Guy.:yes::yes::yes:

10-06-2017, 01:46 PM
:agree::agree::agree: My friends and I took a one week trip at the top of Maine .... this was right after the Terrible / famous ICE Storm that crippled the North east .... In the morning it was usually 35 below ZERO and didn't get above ZERO everyday ..... None of our various machines failed to start ... and they were out all night .... So gas engines aren't harmed by the cold ....jmho ... Mike :yes:

35 Below--You are one tough SOB. :firstplace::firstplace::firstplace: At that temp, it is so cold you feel that it could be cut with a knife. It hurts to breath the air. :yes:

10-22-2017, 08:39 AM
You drive your four wheel vehicles in cold weather; no difference with a Spyder. cold weather isn't going to hurt them. Dress appropriately. I ride into the 30s.

Similarly, air cooled motorcycles, snow machines, lawn and garden equipment all function well (sometimes better) in cooler weather. Below the freezing point might create an issue, but in Minnesota and Wisconsin there are late autumn and early spring rides where the date is set several months prior and you are expected to ride regardless of the weather. MN has a "frosted nuts" ride each year that is quite well attended and has riders representing several states. J

10-22-2017, 10:06 AM
I rode to work this week and it was about 35˚ on the way in (17 mile commute). I was fine, except for my hands. I'd like to keep riding to work, so I'm thinking about adding the heated grips. Do you riders who have them think that they were worth the money?

10-22-2017, 10:18 AM
My used 2013 RTL ran fine last winter until the snow plows ran 2 days in a row, then the next clear day I rode it into storage. HEATED GRIPS, best option I've ever had on a cycle......
Here in MN, Snowmobiling clothes are as common as swimsuits in Florida, below 0 riding on dry roads is the same as riding a sled. (Actually I think I feel warmer behind the 998 engine).

True statment if you ride a sled you can ride a Spyder on dry roads.

10-30-2017, 09:07 AM
I've ridden as cold as 17F and was comfortable except for my eyes. They were tearing up and the tears were freezing. The trick to riding in very cold weather is layers, lots of them. Also, I use the brown insulated overalls like you see farmers using in the winter. With enough layers and the right insulated clothing you will be amazed at how warm you are in the cold. Someday I may get some electric clothing but for now I'm fine.