View Full Version : Let's talk Sunglasses

09-25-2017, 11:06 AM
Fairly new rider, May 1, lots to learn, originally bought full face modular helmet which had the pull down tinted visor. Recently bought half helmet now looking for answers to the glare & wind. What you guys use? Do you use the different colored lens to match the conditions? Over the glasses sunglasses or goggles? I do have glasses but can go without or get prescription sunglasses as well. Polarized? Big dollar Oakley? Lenses that pop out so can switch out? Just looking for ideas as to what people use and how much $$$ to dedicate to glasses? It's an area I have little expertise in but feel being cheap is not necessarily the best route to go in order to increase enjoyment of riding experience.

Bob Denman
09-25-2017, 11:09 AM
:D How can I NOT post this one??? :thumbup:


09-25-2017, 11:10 AM
I use some cheap polarized safety sunglasses that work well :thumbup: I use blue or orange mirrored too.

09-25-2017, 11:47 AM
I bought a pair of photochromatic Oakley's thinking they would work good for day and night riding. They work well at night, but the glare was bad and they don't get dark enough for day riding. I end up using my polorized Oakly's for day rides and pull out the photochromatic ones at night. The shape of the Oakley lenses protect your eyes pretty well from wind, dirt, bugs, etc. that is the main reason I go with them vs cheaper polorized glasses.

Easy Rider
09-25-2017, 01:25 PM
Recently bought half helmet now looking for answers to the glare & wind. What you guys use?

I don't really have a problem with wind on the RT; shields up Sulu !! :roflblack:

If you need reading glasses to see the display clearly, I use "cheaters". That is sunglasses that are regular on top and readers on the bottom; kind of like bi-focals. They are not expensive.

I use them without a helmet sometimes (yes, that is legal in Florida) and a modular helmet most of the time with the built-in shade and just squint at the display.

09-25-2017, 01:32 PM
Bought a pair of tinted safety glasses at work 20 years ago,still using them. Made by Uvex. For your half you might check out a pair of goggles.

09-25-2017, 01:33 PM
Cheap may not be the best for ryding, but work fine enough. Ive lost & damaged too many to count, so I stick with $5 at Walmart's my helmet also has the built in shade (retractable) so if I need darker it np. & keep a spare or two in frunk with my sun block. :joke:

Bob Denman
09-25-2017, 01:33 PM
I don't really have a problem with wind on the RT; shields up Sulu !! :roflblack:y


Spyder 42
09-25-2017, 01:37 PM
I'm in the cheap sunglasses crowd.

I get non polarized safety glasses with cheaters built in. I've gotten them as cheaply as $8/pair but most recently, twice that amount. They wrap around and give good coverage without too much cost. I've got bronze/brown lenses and another pair with yellow for low light conditions. Consider 100% UV protection also as my last Doc visit included a "will be due for cataract surgery" soon lecture (always wear UV blocking eye ware but that's what you get for being 62 and rider for 34 years).

09-25-2017, 01:40 PM
I have always used a full face helmet since I saw a rider go down and the first thing he hit was his chin. Died instantly and he was barely going 30mph.

09-25-2017, 01:44 PM
I'm in the cheap sunglasses crowd.

I get non polarized safety glasses with cheaters built in. I've gotten them as cheaply as $8/pair but most recently, twice that amount. They wrap around and give good coverage without too much cost. I've got bronze/brown lenses and another pair with yellow for low light conditions. Consider 100% UV protection also as my last Doc visit included a "will be due for cataract surgery" soon lecture (always wear UV blocking eye ware but that's what you get for being 62 and rider for 34 years).

+1. I buy sunglasses online with the cheater bottom strip. They are advertised as for M/C riding, so it wraps around fairly well.

Don't get just regular sunglasses, they let too much air in around them that hurts your eyes and also seems to attract small bits of flying dirt that WILL find your eye.

Check Amazon and eBay. Around $12-$15 a pair.

09-25-2017, 02:04 PM
I've always worn sun glasses since I was little basically growing up a river rat. As I got my own income I buy the best I can afford. Years ago I got a small piece of sand and metal from an abrasive disc wearing googles AND a shield of all things. I had to have it flushed, cleaned and wear a patch for a few weeks. No way would I ever do anything intentionally to loose my site using something cheap or because I look better or cooler. Regular sunglasses don't have the ballistic stopping power of true safety glasses or shooting glasses. Think of that when a small pebble from a car or a bug hits you square in your peephole. UV protection, dark as you can during the day and sunscreen are a plus. If you have an open face/brain shovel and ride at night obviously clear or yellow but make sure they are safety or shooting glasses for piece of mind.

I use a FF helmet with a light smoke shield and wear sunglasses. I carry my clear shield in my FRUNK Incase I get caught out a night. Take less than 30sec to switch them so why not carry both.

09-25-2017, 02:46 PM
I got a pair of dark tinted shooting safety glasses. I figure if there good enough for shooting, should stop something small from getting in my eyes. They were like 14.99 at wal mart.


09-25-2017, 02:53 PM
Good information all. :yes::yes:

Peter Aawen
09-25-2017, 07:17 PM
Even partially deflected wind like that which makes its way around sunglasses as opposed to goggles or specialist riding glasses WILL be damaging your eyes a little, and ultimately lead to the need for Cataract surgery if not more radical intervention.... :lecturef_smilie:

Then again, many of us here have been doing a whole lot of things that WILL shorten our lives or cause degradation of some sort in our old age, and somehow we still seem to be poking along sorta OK, albeit maybe not quite as readily as we did 60 plus years ago! :dontknow:

Me, I wear hi-impact riding glasses with exchangeable lenses under my full face helmet with a clear visor & the internal sun-screen, but that's only cos I wear the same glasses pretty much everywhere - I want/need them for riding, so I figure why should I carry another pair for walking, another pair for shooting, and another pair for fishing or whatever?? The riding glasses have specs suitable for & higher than all those other activities require, so I just wear them... ;) I guess it's sorta like deciding to use the highest spec oil for your vehicle instead of the cheapest no-name brand offering from the bargain bin in the supermarket... you make a choice, you live (or not :dontknow: ) with the consequences. :thumbup:

09-25-2017, 07:33 PM
My regular prescription glasses with polycarbonate (I think) Transitions lens do quite well as sunglasses. They get plumb dark. I use a modular helmet, leave the chin bar down and the shield open, and the bike windshield full up. Haven't had any sort of problem in 12 years of riding! I think one time I had a bug, grasshopper maybe, come through the vent and slam into my glasses. Other than a goopy mess no problem!

09-25-2017, 07:49 PM
I use a full face Arai Helmet, the face shield goes from clear to dark as it gets brighter outside. Works excellent, I can use my regular glasses and don't have to carry sunglasses.

09-25-2017, 08:16 PM
If you have polarized glasses AND you use a face shield (or look through a tall windshield), you MAY experience a psychedelic rainbow effect from the stress lines in the plastic. More pronounced with cheap sunglasses and cheap lexan windows.

Also, i used to use polarized lenses, but an older wiser rider told me they don't pick up the reflectance of oily spots and diesel spills quite as well; they look like any other dark water puddle.

FWIW I now ride with my Bell Transitions visor that changes with the amount of light. That avoids me having to carry either the clear visor for darkness if I happen to be out in the late afternoon. Also wear transitions lenses in my prescription glasses.