View Full Version : e Readers

07-04-2017, 10:13 PM
Hi folks,

I am thinking of getting more involved in the 21st century and getting an e reader.

What do any of you out there consider a good one => cost vs features.

Not what you might have; what you think.

And Thanks in advance,

Jerry Baumchen

07-04-2017, 11:32 PM
Well, there are getting to be quite a few out there and prices are all over the place.

I'm on my third Kindle and for me, they have been great. I got one when they first came out.....or at least that I became aware of them. My wife had a Nook about a year before I got my first Kindle and her Nook paled in comparison.

I had about 1500 books downloaded on my first Kindle (actually bootlegged by a buddy) but I screwed up and lost them because I didn't transfer them correctly to my second Kindle.

The one I have now cost about $120, don't know the model. But I added a 60 GB SD card for extra storage and I don't think I could exceed the capacity. I've got a bunch of apps on it, newspapers, a few utilities, games and anti-virus.

It's what I connect to the internet with about 99.99% of the time, including now. Good e-mail capability, fair speakers but I usually use ear buds if I'm watching Netflix on it.

One good feature for reading a book is the Blue Shade setting. Turning this on while reading, especially at night, gives kind of a yellowish tint to the screen, maybe a sepia tone. It blocks or eliminates the blue light that is the cause of sleeplessness from computer screens. Personally, I don't use Blue Shade often.

One other thing is the ability to access Alexa, which is Kindle's version of Siri on an iPhone. It does have limitations, it is not a replacement for a computer but I like mine well enough that I will get another one when the time comes.

Bob Denman
07-05-2017, 06:58 AM
:shocked: A reader??
With my eyes: I just let the Missus read the important stuff to me. nojoke

07-05-2017, 08:53 AM
I've had a Kobo Glo for about 4.5 years, still going strong. read every night. Battery is getting a little low, have to charge it about every 3 weeks now, instead of the months it took to wear down when I bought it, but no complaints here.

Pirate looks at --
07-05-2017, 09:00 AM
I use my iPad. You can get any book you want and there aren't so many other things you can do with it. I don't need a unitasker!:roflblack:

07-05-2017, 10:04 AM
I use my iPad. You can get any book you want and there aren't so many other things you can do with it. I don't need a unitasker!:roflblack:

In this case, I like that it doesn't interrupt me with anything else while I am reading.

07-05-2017, 10:35 AM
I started with an E reader years ago. Quickly moved to a small tablet. You can do much much more with them then just download a read books. They come in all sizes but I stick with the 7inch because I don't want to carry anything to big. The samsungs start at around 100.00 and are 8 gig standard for the most part but you can push them to 32 gig with a SD card. This is what I would recommend over any reader.


07-05-2017, 02:34 PM
Hi again,

To all of you that offered comments related to the actual topic: Thank You

This gives me enough info to start studying these things & going forward with a purchase.

Jerry Baumchen

Hi folks,

I am thinking of getting more involved in the 21st century and getting an e reader.

What do any of you out there consider a good one => cost vs features.

Not what you might have; what you think.

And Thanks in advance,

Jerry Baumchen

07-05-2017, 04:15 PM

07-05-2017, 05:55 PM

07-05-2017, 05:58 PM

I appreciate you vided. I hope you don't have one of those for me.

07-05-2017, 07:16 PM
Hi wyliec,

Re: Best E-readers (http://bestreviews.com/best-e-readers)

I read that before I posted. But, thanks anyway.

My daughter says that she will give me her NOOK as she has something updated.

I'll give it a try and see if it will do what I want; which is just to read a book - nothing else.

Jerry Baumchen