View Full Version : Fine job!

06-23-2017, 09:16 PM

06-23-2017, 11:07 PM

The dude's got some skills with that knife - gotta admire that. My Dad used vinegar to remove rust from anything. He was one when seeing an old chain on the road to stop, throw it in the pick up and take it home. Then he'd put the chain in a bucket, cover it with vinegar and "brew" (his word) for a few days. The results were always amazing - - no matter how much rust, vinegar really did the trick. Very seldom did he have to scrub the item. But if he was in a hurry, he would throw some salt in "the brew" because it seemed the salt sped up the process. :pray: - - for you, Dad

06-23-2017, 11:22 PM
A lot of work but awesome results...:2thumbs: he does have skills to go with that blade...:thumbup: