View Full Version : So I Guess That I Should Say Something...

Bob Denman
06-08-2017, 07:52 AM
This might turn out to be kind of long-winded, so I'll just apologize for that now... :D

Over the last couple of weeks: I've noticed that a lot more threads are becoming a bit... loud! :shocked:
More and more: folks are just sure that they are right, and anyone who doesn't agree with them... is heading off in a dangerous direction!
(Which they might be! :D)
Folks... you all know me as the noisiest fool in here. I enjoy the social aspects of this place: technical information just kind of escapes me... (Remember the old saying about trying to teach a pig to whistle?)
So I kick around in here: telling jokes, offering encouragement, and trying to help with whatever useful advice that I can find in this old pea-brain of mine. :thumbup:
But I'm bothered by the fact that nobody ever seems to want to admit that there may be another way to look at a topic...
If anyone thinks that I'm ever picking on them personally: call me on it! Send me a PM... I may not agree, but I will remember that something was said.
All that I ask is that all of you give a thought to the feelings of the "Other Guy" (or Gal)., before you jump on them with both boots.

What I'm NOT saying: Only one opinion is allowed in here! Differences of opinion allow ALL of us to look at life from different perspectives. They give us access to new information, and show us different ways to look at an issue, or solve a problem.
I always like to say that Tact will allow you to tell somebody to go to Hell... and have them looking forward to the trip... :D

One other important thing: I am NOT a moderator. Nothing of what I say carries any special weight, and I have no authority to tell anyone to do anything at all...
I'm just one of you! :D

Okay... I'm off of my soapbox now...

Purple Guy
06-08-2017, 08:04 AM
I whole heartily agree Bob.
I to have noticed this and as a result don't stop by as much as I used to because of it.
In the "early days" this site/fourm was so much more friendly with like minded people wanting to share ideas & advise on how to get the most out of our Spyder riding experience and has seemed to have veered off to more of a "why did you ask THAT question" or worse.
Hopefully it's not to late to turn the ship around...

06-08-2017, 08:07 AM
You're right Bob. Everyone can have an opinion, but we should keep it civil.

06-08-2017, 08:16 AM
In the early, early days there weren't that many members. Once the membership started increasing, after the intro of the RT, there seemed to be more and more (what I call) cat fights. There was fighting before; but, it wasn't cat fights. There is another member on here that knows what I'm talking about.

06-08-2017, 09:55 AM
But I don't agree with any of this drivel. You are all wrong! Everyone of you! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

How was that? Did I get it right? ;)

Bob Denman
06-08-2017, 09:59 AM
:clap: :2thumbs:

06-08-2017, 10:02 AM
This might turn out to be kind of long-winded, so I'll just apologize for that now... :D

Over the last couple of weeks: I've noticed that a lot more threads are becoming a bit... loud! :shocked:
More and more: folks are just sure that they are right, and anyone who doesn't agree with them... is heading off in a dangerous direction!
(Which they might be! :D)
Folks... you all know me as the noisiest fool in here. I enjoy the social aspects of this place: technical information just kind of escapes me... (Remember the old saying about trying to teach a pig to whistle?)
So I kick around in here: telling jokes, offering encouragement, and trying to help with whatever useful advice that I can find in this old pea-brain of mine. :thumbup:
But I'm bothered by the fact that nobody ever seems to want to admit that there may be another way to look at a topic...
If anyone thinks that I'm ever picking on them personally: call me on it! Send me a PM... I may not agree, but I will remember that something was said.
All that I ask is that all of you give a thought to the feelings of the "Other Guy" (or Gal)., before you jump on them with both boots.

What I'm NOT saying: Only one opinion is allowed in here! Differences of opinion allow ALL of us to look at life from different perspectives. They give us access to new information, and show us different ways to look at an issue, or solve a problem.
I always like to say that Tact will allow you to tell somebody to go to Hell... and have them looking forward to the trip... :D

One other important thing: I am NOT a moderator. Nothing of what I say carries any special weight, and I have no authority to tell anyone to do anything at all...
I'm just one of you! :D

Okay... I'm off of my soapbox now...


06-08-2017, 10:08 AM
It's what they are teaching in the universities. You are free to say anything you want, as long it is what I believe. Free speech is being trampled today. We have to get back to not being offended by everything someone says. A person's opinion can not be wrong. It is their opinion and theirs alone.

06-08-2017, 10:17 AM
Disagree without being disagreeable is a phrase I try to remember.

06-08-2017, 10:40 AM
i am the first one to say i am wrong if someone says i am and i see what they are talking about. i also feel sorta bad when people tell me i shouldn't of posted something that i did. so i delete it. and as some of you know, you send me a personal note telling me i might be out of line on a post, and i also delete it, and i appreciate that. NOW when i was banned, i was attacked for no reason. i even said i was sorry for no reason. but i won't go into that for now. but like i said before, people say their peace, and should just move on. i have been on other forums when it has been a knock down, drag out fight, but then it was over and all was good again. if we met riding, all was good. but on this forum, i think it is OUR ages. we are a little older and set in our ways, and say what we feel, and feel what we say. i never start a argument in here, but will not turn one down if i am picked on. so like RODNEY KING ONCE SAID, CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG. then we get the night sticks and beat each other up

06-08-2017, 10:56 AM
and a great reminder of who we are and what we do here. I agree that every once in a while we need a swift kick in the butt to wake us up and remember the purpose of the site. If one wants to argue, refute, debate or disagree then do it on facts and not on opinions....and there you have it ...my opinion...

Bob Denman
06-08-2017, 11:11 AM
You have alwyas been the consummate gentleman in here... even when your humor was misunderstood! :bowdown:

06-08-2017, 11:32 AM
I have found that I can avoid a lot of conflict by not participating in some discussions, or by letting what I condsider "wrong viewpoints" just pass. After all we all have opinions.

But there are some subjects that should be addressed. If advise if offered that is incorrect and someone knows the correct answer, they should speak up. Like mechanical things, material safety topics, etc. Even here, there may be different opinions, but no one should take any differences personally.

Otherwise, if someone asks for advice or opinions, give it. But don't get your nose out of joint if someone disagrees.

But I don't agree with any of this drivel. You are all wrong! Everyone of you! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

How was that? Did I get it right? ;)

That's the spirit! :thumbup:

06-08-2017, 11:33 AM
But I don't agree with any of this drivel. You are all wrong! Everyone of you! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

How was that? Did I get it right? ;)

Making that statement makes you wrong also.:D My opinion is that there are several people on here that are A$$hats, I also believe that I am wrong about some of them and right about some. Several that I have thought that of have proven me wrong, but others have not. I will continue to think that until they prove to me otherwise. My opinion, and remember opinions are not right or wrong, just because mine is different than yours doesn't make me wrong and you right or vice versa, it just means we are different.


06-08-2017, 12:16 PM

06-08-2017, 12:46 PM
Have to agree with Bob. Both of us have been here a long time and the site seems to run in cycles. Nothing, and then too much. Most of the time not a lot of the happy medium stuff.

Also agree that some push the buttons more than others. With as many people on the site, opinions are going to vary all over the place.

If someone gets really out of line, the thread is usually deleted.

Me, I don't agree with everyone, and a lot don't agree with me either. That's good. I try not to pounce on anyone. If something gets really out of line, I usually don't do any more replies. I don't totally ignore, because I like to see where things are going.

Thanks for the reminder Bob. :yes:

06-08-2017, 01:31 PM
There are so darn many good people on this site it would hard to list them all. From tech support to personal experiences on how to solve just about any issue one may have with their spyder. Doc, Finless, Ann & husband, Bob, blue knight, Bajaron, Lamonster, M/C Dave, and akspyderman just to name a few, and there are many many more. Of all the folks on this site one stands out for being the individual who I copy and paste his posts most often and pass them along to friends and family. That would cuznjohn for his great compassion and humor. Keep up the good work people.

Bob Denman
06-08-2017, 01:34 PM
Of all the folks on this site one stands out for being the individual who I copy and past his posts most often and pass them along to friends and family. That would cuznjohn for his great compassion and humor. Keep up the good work people.



06-08-2017, 02:35 PM


:agree: also. Way to go Cuzn :yes:

06-08-2017, 07:30 PM
To tell you the truth this is one of the better forums that I have used over the years. I belong to several because I have different rides and I also enjoy vintage Japanese bikes. While I have seen a few "remarks" on here that I thought were out of line this place is nothing like some of the other sites I use. For the most part you have a great bunch of folks here with a ton of knowledge to be shared, especially with a newbie like myself. I don't mind getting 20 different answers or opinions when I ask a question because one or more of them will solve my problem. It would be an awful boring pond if someone didn't toss a rock in once in awhile. As long as we continue to help and support each other when help and support is needed we are good to go.

06-08-2017, 08:27 PM
Hi Bob,

Re: so I'll just apologize for that now...

Great post. There is nothing there that I disagree with.

I'm thinking you spent a fair amount of time putting it together; good for you.

Now back to your regular scheduled programming,

Jerry Baumchen

06-08-2017, 09:02 PM
I think you should have to ride with someone before you can argue with them, at least 100 miles. (I'm not always innocent of this issue)