View Full Version : Valcourt From a French American perspective

06-05-2017, 08:43 PM
I am very lucky as my wife is originally from Montreal and speaks French. As such I got to hear a translation of many conversations. On Wed before the real action got started we were in the bank parking lot on the Spyder when a older
gentleman came up to us and starting speaking in French to my wife. He worked for BRP for 33 years and is now retired.
He had nothing but good things to say about the company. During the factory tour of ski doos my wife had to take a freight elevator to get up to the walkway. A very nice lady escorted her the complete time. She has been with BRP for 22 years. Her father, brother and sister also work for the company. She explained how all the workers had come in on their day off to work the assembly line so we could see it in action. Also the line was only moving at about half speed so people could see the action better. All the people in the black T-shirts were BRP employees who were volunteering their time for
this reunion. We also spoke with a design engineer who has been with the company for 20 years. It just seems to me these
employees are very proud of their company and the products. I got the impression that company is trying to improve its
product and design new products. I am glad I went and for the large amount of Spyder riders I thought It went overly well.

A comment from another thread about laying off employees and closing down. It was stated to us that as the plant changes production from one product to another there is a slow down. So some employees work less hours and BRP pays employees
partial pay while they are not working. But brings them back when production ramps up. This may not be totally correct
as it was translated from French to English. All this is my just my 2cents so take it as such Bob

My highlight of the whole weekend I got to meet and talk to Fred Rau.