View Full Version : so another attack, this time on london bridge

06-03-2017, 06:55 PM
several people run over by a van then they got out of the van and started stabbing people till the cops got there. they are saying 5 people were the attackers. it is on the news now

06-03-2017, 08:07 PM
This has been going on for 1400 years without stop...how long do you think it will take us to get the idea??

06-03-2017, 08:24 PM
I'm pretty sure THE London Bridge was bought and moved to Lake Havasu City in AZ some years ago.

Did they build another or is this bridge just another bridge across the Thames?

06-03-2017, 08:55 PM
I'm pretty sure THE London Bridge was bought and moved to Lake Havasu City in AZ some years ago.

Did they build another or is this bridge just another bridge across the Thames?

London Bridge has been replaced a number of times over the centuries. Yes, there is another bridge in London called London Bridge. It was constructed close to the site of the bridge it replaced.

06-03-2017, 09:22 PM
several people run over by a van then they got out of the van and started stabbing people till the cops got there. they are saying 5 people were the attackers. it is on the news now

Such attacks by suicide bombers, or those with intent to inflict injury or death on an innocent, unsuspecting public, are nothing more than cowardly losers. The western world will NEVER acquiece to senseless acts from fanatical religious extremists. Christianity, will survive, and go on as it has for hundreds of years. The first man to raise his fist in anger, is the man who has run out of peaceful, viable solutions.

06-03-2017, 09:44 PM
They usually kill themselves after too because theyre COWARDS. They want their 15 minutes of fame and the media gives it right to them. If the media would agree not to release these COWARD'S info and pictures, a lot of this would stop. They think they're going out in glory and they'll be famous, and they are exactly right. The media perpetuates it and feeds it. Their names and faces are plastered all over tv, giving the next COWARDS fuel for their twisted brains. Yes the info would still obviously get out, but the media really plays a big part in the motivation.

Peter Aawen
06-03-2017, 09:57 PM
I agree, there's a lot in what you say ^^ slowpoke! :thumbup:

I just wonder if we are treating all these 'terrorist attacks' in the right way?!? After all, at their most basic level, these attacks are aimed at spreading fear & discord amongst the general populace of those countries that don't adhere to their radical views & showing their own followers what they've achieved & gaining 'noteriety' for the gullible perps who are often conned into doing this sort of stuff by their enablng support organisation; very likely even trying to make everyone scared of ALL followers of everyone in their particular creed, regadless of whether they are the radicalised nutters or the fair minded peace loving 'true believers'.... thereby creating greater opportunity for unjustified 'retaliation' against those NOT involved, radicalising them & next generation & continuing the the 'war' ad infinitum, especially between the most fanatical & rabid of all sides! The way the 'news' of anything vaguely hinting at 'terror' is currently sensationalised & blown up by the media to appease the blood-thirsty & morbid viewing public seems to me to be playing right into the plans of the low-life perpetrators & their manipulative enablers. :sour:

Maybe we (the Western World in general) would do a lot more to stop &/or negate the effect of these attacks if all our media downplayed any attacks rather than going all out to make it appear to be a terrifying & horrific attack on our civilisation & way of life... Not that it isn't terrifying, horrific, & awful, particularly for those targetted, but if the media simply reported the bald facts with NO sensationalisation or reference to the alleged perpetrators or any organisation claiming responsbility, it would have waaay less impact or success from the perps point of view! Maybe just broadcasting something like 'a van ran down x people on London Bridge today before 5 offenders left the vehicle, stabbing y others before being apprehended' (or replace 'apprehended' with 'eliminated' or even 'removed') and then the media left it at that, would go a long way towards removing ALL the sensationalisation & speculation out if it so the low-lives get NO or at least extremely little of the desired sensationalist scaremongering or spreading the fear of 'terror ' - wouldn't that be a lot smarter on our behalf??.... :dontknow:

Cut off entirely their access to our media & the ready national & international dissemination of horrific & sensationalised broadcasts & you cut off their main source of 'power' or influence on the rest of the world, including the less radical members of their own sects.... & in the meantime we should make sure that any response against the perpetrators is very specific, swift, overwhelming, and final for the offenders & their enablers; but once again, there should be no fanfare - just 'Joe Nutter, who was involved with Friday's incident on London Bridge, is no longer contributing anything to society!' :shocked:

Doing things this way would very likely swiftly stop the scaremongering & pull the teeth on 'terror attacks', as well as avoid further radicalisation of the less rabid &/or next generation, limit recruitment of new followers from anywhere/any sect, and provide a significant deterrent against similar actions by future offenders! If there's little or NO coverage & sensationalism, there's No glory to be gained, No scaring of the innocent (on either side) or the public if you prefer, & quite simply, clearly shows there is NO future in terror attacks! :thumbup:

Just sayin'! :dontknow:

06-03-2017, 10:40 PM
I agree, there's a lot in what you say ^^ slowpoke! :thumbup:

I just wonder if we are treating all these 'terrorist attacks' in the right way?!? After all, at their most basic level, these attacks are aimed at spreading fear & discord amongst the general populace of those countries that don't adhere to their radical views & showing their own followers what they've achieved & gaining 'noteriety' for the gullible perps who are often conned into doing this sort of stuff by their enablng support organisation; very likely even trying to make everyone scared of ALL followers of everyone in their particular creed, regadless of whether they are the radicalised nutters or the fair minded peace loving 'true believers'.... thereby creating greater opportunity for unjustified 'retaliation' against those NOT involved, radicalising them & next generation & continuing the the 'war' ad infinitum, especially between the most fanatical & rabid of all sides! The way the 'news' of anything vaguely hinting at 'terror' is currently sensationalised & blown up by the media to appease the blood-thirsty & morbid viewing public seems to me to be playing right into the plans of the low-life perpetrators & their manipulative enablers. :sour:

Maybe we (the Western World in general) would do a lot more to stop &/or negate the effect of these attacks if all our media downplayed any attacks rather than going all out to make it appear to be a terrifying & horrific attack on our civilisation & way of life... Not that it isn't terrifying, horrific, & awful, particularly for those targetted, but if the media simply reported the bald facts with NO sensationalisation or reference to the alleged perpetrators or any organisation claiming responsbility, it would have waaay less impact or success from the perps point of view! Maybe just broadcasting something like 'a van ran down x people on London Bridge today before 5 offenders left the vehicle, stabbing y others before being apprehended' (or replace 'apprehended' with 'eliminated' or even 'removed') and then the media left it at that, would go a long way towards removing ALL the sensationalisation & speculation out if it so the low-lives get NO or at least extremely little of the desired sensationalist scaremongering or spreading the fear of 'terror ' - wouldn't that be a lot smarter on our behalf??.... :dontknow:

Cut off entirely their access to our media & the ready national & international dissemination of horrific & sensationalised broadcasts & you cut off their main source of 'power' or influence on the rest of the world, including the less radical members of their own sects.... & in the meantime we should make sure that any response against the perpetrators is very specific, swift, overwhelming, and final for the offenders & their enablers; but once again, there should be no fanfare - just 'Joe Nutter, who was involved with Friday's incident on London Bridge, is no longer contributing anything to society!' :shocked:

Doing things this way would very likely swiftly stop the scaremongering & pull the teeth on 'terror attacks', as well as avoid further radicalisation of the less rabid &/or next generation, limit recruitment of new followers from anywhere/any sect, and provide a significant deterrent against similar actions by future offenders! If there's little or NO coverage & sensationalism, there's No glory to be gained, No scaring of the innocent (on either side) or the public if you prefer, & quite simply, clearly shows there is NO future in terror attacks! :thumbup:

Just sayin'! :dontknow:
EXACTLY. Ive been screaming this for years. The easiest way to rob them of their power is to take away what they gain. This certainly is not rocket science. But ratings equals cash. The media will never make those adjustments because the cowards are lining their pockets via ratings. Cowards and dirtbags are big business.

06-04-2017, 12:20 AM
IMO what would bring it to a halt, is to bury these terrorist in a hole filled with pigs. They know that they can't get to the 72 virgins covered in pig's blood.

This actually was done in the Philippines, after WW2, I believe. Muslim terrorism stopped for decades.

We are so concerned on being politically correct and not offend anyone, that we are paralyzed into doing nothing.

06-04-2017, 03:56 AM
ok i know some of you will disagree with me, but i think that the UK NEEDS TO ARM ALL THEIR OFFICERS. i feel that right now they are having so many attacks because the people doing the attacks know they have time before armed cops get there. lets face it, if they go to a place to do like they did last night, and there are police patrols that are un armed. they can start their attack driving through people, and not be shot at, then if they crash their cars or trucks, they come out with long knifes and attack people and cops and still not get shot until the armed cops get there. so if all the police were armed, they would think twice before they do something like this knowing they will be stopped right away.

now the problem of building bombs and blowing themselves up along with people, i will admit i don't know enough about the country and how they get the stuff to build the bombs. to that i would say that if they, the bombers, are aliens in the country, as the country i would go into their community once they are identified, and deport any family member they have living in the UK no matter who they are. if they are home grown, then all their families would be put on a watch list for the rest of their lives, no matter who they are. it is totally unfair, but they have to be made very uncomfortable to live there so they will stop any problems they will think of doing.

06-04-2017, 06:38 AM
I like our system better...we arm the people.

If you guys studied up on Islam, you'd understand that they are COMMANDED to do what they are doing. Dying in a 'battle' to further Islam is the ONLY way a Muslim can be assured of going to heaven. Even Mohammed said he did not know if he would go to heaven. Our evaluation of Muslim behavior is 'upside down'. The good Muslim's are what ISIS is doing; the bad ones are the ones who 'stay home' and do not fight...according to Mohammad. This is why these events will never stop until the contest is over...one side dies. Other than that, have a nice Sunday!

06-04-2017, 06:41 AM
Keep letting those poor refugees in. There harmless...

06-04-2017, 06:42 AM
That's right. Those harmless, military age males who left their wives and children to fend for themselves at home...

Bob Denman
06-04-2017, 07:26 AM
I agree that the endless media coverage only serves to make a bad situation worse. nojoke

:D I also like the pig's blood routine! :clap:

06-04-2017, 08:06 AM
Hey, here's an idea .....

How about we (The US Government) stop giving $$$ to the Palestinians ...

Then maybe they will stop paying the salaries and bonuses to the terrorists ......

What a concept !!!

Orange Spyder Man
06-04-2017, 08:19 AM
the USA should take this as a warning.. if we let these "cowardly murders" into the US it won't be long before these kind of attacks will be carried out daily in a neighborhood near you ! WAKE THE HELL UP... AMERICA


Bob Denman
06-04-2017, 08:23 AM

:dontknow::dontknow::dontknow::dontknow::dontknow: :dontknow::dontknow::dontknow::dontknow:

06-04-2017, 10:08 AM
These :cus: have been fighting with everyone for 1400 years, the only way
to stop their bull:cus: is with
boots on their throats

06-04-2017, 04:24 PM
I will try to keep my statements non-political.

A true sign of the times we are living in. It appears the terrorists are stepping up the pace and the locations thereof.

It is only a matter of time before we are directly affected. They are already here. The weapons are simple, vehicles, knives, and sometimes crude bombs. The targets are usually "soft" these days. Just kill as many people as you can, does not matter who, sex, or age. Just kill the "infidel."

No way to protect against this--unless we go to full Marshall Law and people asking for our "papers" on every street corner. I sincerely hope that this scenario never happens. Goodbye Freedom if it does.


06-04-2017, 04:57 PM
The following video tells the story. If you invest 45-minutes of your time, you'll know more than 99% of your countrymen and why this will never end!


You can see that this video has been viewed 3.8 million times (it is very good); but, please pass it on!


06-04-2017, 07:00 PM
so let's say you leave your backdoor opened and a swarm of killer bees enters your house. you end up killing lets say 33% of them. do you leave the other 66% of them alone?

i hate to say it but Europe is lost. in the UK you cannot even mutter one word against them without facing prosecution and jail time. think about that for a second. they can cuss you, toss bottles at you, attack you, but you are forbidden to say one thing against them. that is a fact and that is what you are dealing with. I guess perhaps there weren't enough bee tattoos given after the last attack in Manchester. maybe not enough hugs and hashtags.

there is one country that has not taken in refugees and that country is Poland. who'd ever thunk it? the UK started to come clean last week and admitted there were at least 25K radicals in their country. this number was given AFTER they had said for years that they thought there may be as many as 3K radicals. I am willing to bet the number is much higher than the 25K.


06-04-2017, 08:22 PM
Hey, here's an idea .....

How about we (The US Government) stop giving $$$ to the Palestinians ...

Then maybe they will stop paying the salaries and bonuses to the terrorists ......

What a concept !!!

Our last president gave $33.6 Billion in cash to Iran. Now were do you think that money has been spent?

06-05-2017, 06:49 AM
did you see londons new defense plan??

"run and hide??"

are you serious?? nothing says attack us like a stampede of sheep

I bet they want thier guns back now

06-05-2017, 07:11 AM
Before Jefferson became President, the US had problems with muslims, the Barbary Pirates. It continued until he sent our first Marines to the area, after that we had no problem with them for close to 200 years. Maybe it's time to do that again.


06-05-2017, 07:12 AM
not to make this political since after all islamic attacks have nothing to do with politics (:yikes:) but the mayor of london is
muslim and allows sharia in areas of london and bends over bacha bazi style to protect and possibly promote these
nut jobs.
put pressure on the mosque's and their imam's for help, limit the number of mosque's opening up and start monitoring
what the kids are taught in school and mosques about non muslims.

Bob Denman
06-05-2017, 07:13 AM
How about a plan to turn their Deserts into Glass Factories? :dontknow:
That's right: turn their sand into glass! :thumbup:


Orange Spyder Man
06-05-2017, 08:19 AM
well the mayor of London said " do not be afraid" ... guess as long as you live behind steel doors and have dozens of armed guards 24/7 you have the luxury to not be afraid.. ...

06-05-2017, 11:03 AM
I agree that the endless media coverage only serves to make a bad situation worse. nojoke

:D I also like the pig's blood routine! :clap:

Bob D.,

I like and appreciate how you turn a couple of long paragraphs into one short sentence. My attention span sort of wanders; so, I can really appreciate short sentences.:thumbup:

Now, can you summarize that 45 minute video for me?

Bob Denman
06-05-2017, 11:13 AM
:D Sure! :thumbup:
But if there's any music: it might take me four hours! :yikes:

06-05-2017, 12:12 PM
How about a plan to turn their Deserts into Glass Factories? :dontknow:
That's right: turn their sand into glass! :thumbup:


would that be known as allah under glass

Bob Denman
06-05-2017, 12:48 PM
:D Let's hope that we get the chance to find out what they call it! :2thumbs:

06-05-2017, 12:53 PM
My thoughts. Be careful what you ask for. There are to many rogue countries that would love to join in and test out "their" toys. We could end up with a world event before we know it.

The house of cards is still standing, but I feel breezes in the air.

Bob Denman
06-05-2017, 02:08 PM
If you're talking about North Korea... I'm pretty sure that if they pitched an ICBM at us; there's more than a pretty fair chance that it could land in the Middle East! :D

06-05-2017, 03:04 PM
The nuclear club:

Great Britain
North Korea--if not--very close and working on it
Iran--if not--very close and working on it.

I don't think I missed any, but let me know if I did. Messing with the Middle East can get several of the above players interested. Many can deliver way past the general area. You can make scenarios of where the whole thing could go.

06-05-2017, 03:57 PM
what they are not saying about the mayor of London is, before he was mayor, he had his own law firm, and he defended people like the ones that ran over and stabbed people in London.

06-05-2017, 04:12 PM
what they are not saying about the mayor of London is, before he was mayor, he had his own law firm, and he defended people like the ones that ran over and stabbed people in London.
YES he is muslim and goes out of his way to turn london into a sharia following muslim city little by little. he will not do what is
needed to hit hard on muslim terrorists. he will not state it in public but he is pro female genital mutilation.

06-05-2017, 04:20 PM
Life span of thread: Tick, tick, tick, :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

06-09-2017, 10:16 AM
I like our system better...we arm the people.

If you guys studied up on Islam, you'd understand that they are COMMANDED to do what they are doing. Dying in a 'battle' to further Islam is the ONLY way a Muslim can be assured of going to heaven. Even Mohammed said he did not know if he would go to heaven. Our evaluation of Muslim behavior is 'upside down'. The good Muslim's are what ISIS is doing; the bad ones are the ones who 'stay home' and do not fight...according to Mohammad. This is why these events will never stop until the contest is over...one side dies. Other than that, have a nice Sunday!

exactly what i have stated

06-09-2017, 11:50 AM
oh lordly lordly lordly it's still going

06-09-2017, 12:26 PM
John, i only posted on this to show everyone they were jumping on the iran thing for i don't know what reason.

Bob Denman
06-09-2017, 12:28 PM
oh lordly lordly lordly it's still going