View Full Version : Memorial Weekend Ryde

05-30-2017, 09:44 AM
There were twelve members of our Christian Motorcyclists Association that rode 680 miles of Indiana and Kentucky side roads. Our friend John (had to miss the ride) put together some routes that took us to places we normally wouldn't ride. Really great roads.

On Saturday we left and were headed to Madison, IN on our circuitous route. Travelling, we went through high water (my fault) that was higher than I thought. Yes, there were "High Water" signs but Indiana sometimes puts up these signs and leaves them for 2 weeks - even after the water has receded. It hadn't... but we were all OK. I just told the group that our bikes needed a bath...

Then we came up on a Road Kill Cafe' - in our lane there was a huge black dog standing over a dead buzzard and a dead raccoon - and he just stayed there in the road. I have no idea how those two dead animals ended up dead and in the road. We went around the mess...

As we came upon Farmland, IN I saw some flashing red lights in the distance and thought there may have been a wreck or a fire. It was a parade! As we came into town we caught the end of the parade and joined the parade as it progressed down main street. We never expected to remember our veterans by being part of a Memorial Day parade.

We traveled down to US 50 and then to IN-56/156 along the Ohio River and into Madison. Got rained on a little but we pressed on - all were safe. We rode through Madison, along the river. That evening we went to eat at the Key West Shrimp House. Old and famous - and great food!

Sunday we went into Clifty Falls State Park and hiked to Big Clifty Falls. We sure enjoyed God's creation and wonder. Then a stop at the Lodge gave us time to shop a little, sit in the rockers at the Outlook Veranda overlooking the Ohio River. Then we rode into Kentucky and rode the back roads. Nice day. After eating pizza at the Red Pepperoni Pizza we ended back at the hotel and we spent some time as group having some prayer and fellowship to end our day.

Monday we rode home leisurely. The weather was perfect with lots of sun and cool breezes. Along the way we went through many small Indiana towns that were flying many American flags remembering our veterans and their services and sacrifices for our country. We remembered along with them and spent time over lunch talking about the many towns flying flags and what it meant to us. It was a wonderful three-day trip.