View Full Version : Posting to forum on iPhone

redneck diva
05-30-2017, 07:08 AM
Ok dumb question again......... what is the easiest way to post comments & pictures again on spyderlovers Last year hubby did cross country ride & used tapatalk but it seems it is not working now ...... he is about to do another ride cross country in a few weeks & bless his heart he is not the most electronics savvy man out there.

05-30-2017, 07:16 AM
I've done posts from he iPhone pretty easily. The one thing I haven't quite figured out yet is the pictures being upside down or rotated strangely. I found best luck with taking the pictures in the wide, or portrait style. They seem to post best that way.

Hope he has a safe trip!

05-30-2017, 09:16 AM
I have tried using tapatalk (iphone) and it isn't working for me. I get "Login failed"

Bob Denman
05-30-2017, 09:22 AM
Tapatalk no longer functions in here...


05-30-2017, 09:49 AM
All Cell phone camera's have a "native" Up side when taking pictures, figure that out for your phone and no more upside down pics, Samsung S7 is home button on the right, camera's on the left. Landscape pics and vids look so much better on computers and TV's etc, but we all have HAD to take the occasional portrait mode pic. I've been playing for a while and finally have started taking better portrait mode panoramic mode pics to get a landscape looking pic with the vertical view I need.
Here's an example of a shot taken holding phone in portrait mode using panoramic mode. The bright section on the right would be one normal portrait still shot.
This is my wife on the Spyder in front of the Fountain City, WI, Rock in the House house. Around the back you can see the two story tall boulder that rolled down into the house almost splitting it in two.
Here's the back side of that house, again taken in portrait mode on panoramic mode

05-30-2017, 10:52 AM
I used to use taptalk till it was dropped. Now I just go to the internet browser and sign into spyderlovers just like you do on the computer. Things are tiny and you have to enlarge but it will work the same as the computer...the picture thing is still a puzzle but there are those here that will turn them around for you....:thumbup:

redneck diva
05-30-2017, 12:39 PM
so is there a easy way to upload pics to the forum now, going thru the computer is pretty cumbersome compared to other sites. just asking cause the hubby will want to share pics as he makes the way out west & back like he did last year. tap a talk worked really well for uploading pics pretty simple.

last years trip........


redneck diva
06-09-2017, 07:33 AM
seems like tapatalk is no more for us then, hope there is another way to upload pics from cel easily

redneck diva
05-22-2018, 06:43 PM
less than 30 days to the wild hawgs style cross country trip. has anyone found an easy way to upload pics to the forum from a cel phone, last time hubby did it on tapatalk. the only way i have found so far to upload pics was from the computer.

any ideas........ as planning to post pics on the journey but wanted an easy way to do it. he's not the most computer minded person.

Peter Aawen
05-22-2018, 08:38 PM
I just log on to the Forum via the Internet on my phone, then just use it pretty much the same way I would on a computer. Adding pics is a whole lot easier from the phone cos you can do it direct from the camera (if you think about it in time to open the 'Post Reply' screen & hit 'Manage attachments' first, you can post it straight into the thread...) but if you've taken a bunch of pics during the day & saved/stored them for later selection &/or posting, all you hafta do is make sure the pics are saved in a folder & format that you can access thru 'Manage Attachments' while you are posting on your phone..... ;)

That's meant to be the joy of SmartPhones - if you can do it on your computer, you should be able to do it exactly the same way on your SmartPhone - altho I will admit that using the iPad &/or iPhone became a right pain, cos like sooo many Apple devices & apps, there's waaay less commonality (if any at all!!) between the various phones/devices & apps than there should be!! The controls & commands that work on the iPad often aren't anything like those you hafta use on the iPhone to get the same thing done, often even when you are using the same app or feature!! :shocked:

That's why I now use a Samsung Phone & Tablet & why my iPhone/Pad devices are relegated to the top box only to provide music on the longer rydes - it doesn't matter what I'm doing or what Android device I'm doing it on, the Samsung/Android devices use identical commands, controls, & apps for everything, so it really IS possible to do anything on the phone that you can do on the tablet (or on the PC for that matter!!) AND you do it exactly the same way! :thumbup:

Peter Aawen
05-22-2018, 08:56 PM
The image here was added from my phone via the Forum opened thru the Internet tab. Once in the thread, I selected Post Reply, typed in this text, then scrolled down to Manage Attachments, where I clicked to add a file & then just followed the directions to select & upload before inserting it inline. I chose to add only the one image, altho I could've selected & uploaded a bunch more if I wished....

And if you know where your pic files are stored, you can instead click on the picture frame in the menu bar above the text field on Post Reply, then type in the URL or choose the file you wish to upload & away you go.... it's all there, just like it is on the Tablet or the PC.

Easy peasey! :thumbup:


Ps: I went to add a pic from the iPhone or iPad as well, but now that we have the Samsung/Android devices, both the Missus & I use them by preference (they are easier, more intuitive, and it doesn't matter WHICH device or app you use, it's always operated the same way, the same buttons, & in pretty much the same places too!!) so both the iPhone & the iPad have dead flat batteries.... :sour: shows how much we use them now!!

redneck diva
05-23-2018, 08:39 AM
Just testing. This is a pic of hubby 8 yrs ago arriving at the Luxor in Vegas. On 1st cross country bike ride

[QUOTE=redneck diva;1362934]less than 30 days to the wild hawgs style cross country trip. has anyone found an easy way to upload pics to the forum from a cel phone, last time hubby did it on tapatalk. the only way i have found so far to upload pics was from the computer.

any ideas........ as planning to post pics on the journey but wanted an easy way to do it. he's not the most computer minded person.

redneck diva
05-23-2018, 08:41 AM
thanks for the input that pic was done with my ipad, now maybe i can teach him how to do it so he can post pics along the route next month.

05-23-2018, 02:36 PM
161454Testing this out, seems to work

thanks very much, since Photo bucket change their rules and I lost all my photos I stopped posting very much