View Full Version : Love riding in the rain

Rogue Hawk
05-12-2017, 01:11 PM
A few days ago I was leaving work and it started thundering and raining. I had my F3. Rain riding is so relaxing, just hearing it ping off my helmet. Its a feeling we own exclusively on the open air vehicle world. So I rode a good hour. If I was on two wheels, I would be white knuckling it home as fast as I can.

Bob Denman
05-12-2017, 01:15 PM
:D While I don't think that I'd ever endorse riding in the rain as you have; I firmly do believe in this:


05-12-2017, 01:22 PM
i never rode the spyder in the rain, but i hated riding two wheels in the rain. once went over the tappen zee bridge in a storm, and wow did i hate that. it felt like it took forever

05-12-2017, 01:22 PM
I don't mind riding in the rain. It's the clean up after the ride that is a PITA:gaah:

05-12-2017, 06:34 PM
I don't mind riding in the rain. It's the clean up after the ride that is a PITA:gaah:


05-12-2017, 06:53 PM
Riding in the rain cleans your soul....

It never bothers me two wheels or three.

05-12-2017, 07:36 PM
Never tried it on the Spyder but will now lol. Hated it on 2 wheels also.

05-12-2017, 07:48 PM
On the RT with the wind screen up its not too bad in the rain. Especially when you have your wife on the back to block the rooster tail :roflblack:

05-12-2017, 07:51 PM

05-12-2017, 08:31 PM
You did not ride north with us after Spyderfest. 11 hours of 40 degrees, rain and side gusts up to 45 MPH will cure your desire for riding in the rain for sure. I know it did for me!

05-12-2017, 10:04 PM
I don't mind it if I have to be in it. I would rather not ride in the rain though. When I worked full time I commuted over 40 miles per day, every day, some commutes were in the rain. :thumbup:

05-12-2017, 11:10 PM
Riding in the rain doesn't bother me, but Val absolutely HATES it. So, we try not to ride in the rain in order to preserve our marriage. :bowdown::bowdown:We have been caught out in rainstorms (with raingear on, mostly) and it makes her nervous. That's when she wants to head to the barn.

05-12-2017, 11:22 PM
I kinda like it in the rain but will not go out in it on purpose...:spyder:

05-13-2017, 01:00 AM
There are times when riding in the rain is fine and others where it is a real pain. We rode in a cold heavy rain on Tuesday from Flagstaff AZ to Kingman AZ and it sucked. It was foggy and cold and the road is in terrible shape so there was nothing good about it. My face shield kept fogging up and I'd have to lift it to see which caused me to feel like I was being stabbed in the face with needles. My heated jacket kept me from freezing and my rain gear kept me dry so at least I had that.

Bam Bam and Pebbles
05-13-2017, 02:11 AM
I kinda like it in the rain but will not go out in it on purpose...:spyder:

:agree: What he said.

05-13-2017, 05:46 AM
For me it depends on the type of rain. If it's steady light warm rain - no problem, but the high winds with ice cold rain, or the high speed side winds then that is just not fun at all. We encountered those two years ago going to and from Spyderfest.

Early in my riding life I was terrified to ride in the rain. I decided if I was to continue to ride a motorcycle that I would have to get over that so the next time there was a thunder storm I hopped on my motorcycle and drove it it for two hours. after that I never feared riding in the rain again.
I do confess that I do not like the times I have been in rain so hard that I cannot see the road surface! I have been in two of those were I just had to ride it out because I could not see the exits to get off the road. I found semis both times and followed there tail lights hoping that they could see the road.
I beleive it is safer to not pull over to the side of the road. If I am following someone's tail lights than someone else maybe following mine

05-13-2017, 07:17 AM
Rain makes grain. Grain makes whiskey. Whiskey makes my spyder feel quite frisky.

Word of caution. Lightning likes motorcycles. Be careful in thunderstorms!

Bob Denman
05-13-2017, 08:51 AM
I kinda like it in the rain but will not go out in it on purpose...:spyder:

:agree: What he said.

:agree: also! :thumbup:

05-13-2017, 10:07 PM
Best rain experience on a Spyder:

TT2000 Endurance Rally: 1:30am on Piano Flat Road north of Waikaia. Riding slowly past a piece of woodland in the rain looking for a checkpoint and I come across a Tokoeka (Southern Brown Kiwi) rooting through leaves at the side of the road. I stop and it stays there for several minutes before disappearing onto the foliage. First time I've seen a Kiwi in the wild and this one was a long way from any of the 'official' habitats further west.

Worst rain experience on a Spyder:

NI1600 Endurance Rally: 8:30am after 1660km riding in 18 1/2 hours. There's been a monsoon for 2 hours, I'm completely drenched and cold despite my waterproofs and there's so much water on the road that the rear wheel keeps aquaplaning. The finish is only 40km away but I'm can only able do 30-40kmph because of the conditions.