View Full Version : Very Close Call (Idiot Cager)

Roadster Renovations
04-02-2017, 07:51 PM
So proud of my wife, Kathy Humphreys. Today, on her Spyder she had a very close call (stupid cager ran a red light) and would have been hit from the side with the cage going 50 mph. A 18 wheeler was blocking her view to the right, the light turned green for us, and she slowly pulled out just enough to see if the way was clear, even though it had been at least 4 seconds since the light turned. Not sure I would have been as careful as her, but I have stressed for her to be situationally aware and gave her pointers on how I stay safe. She really did great today!
Almost went after the little punk, but I didn't.

04-02-2017, 07:54 PM
So glad Kathy is OK. Nice lesson for us all. Watch out for the crazy person.

04-02-2017, 07:56 PM
Close..:yikes: glad she waited and looked....:bowdown:goodness

04-02-2017, 08:05 PM
Been a lot of road tragedies by us. Everyone is in a hurry and on that damn phone.

04-02-2017, 08:26 PM
Good for Kathy. Had a similar situation, wasn't on bike or Spyder, was in car, but I hesitated and sure enough, would have got clobbered had I gone on green. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, FOLKS !

04-02-2017, 08:41 PM
So proud of my wife, Kathy Humphreys. Today, on her Spyder she had a very close call (stupid cager ran a red light) and would have been hit from the side with the cage going 50 mph. A 18 wheeler was blocking her view to the right, the light turned green for us, and she slowly pulled out just enough to see if the way was clear, even though it had been at least 4 seconds since the light turned. Not sure I would have been as careful as her, but I have stressed for her to be situationally aware and gave her pointers on how I stay safe. She really did great today!
Almost went after the little punk, but I didn't.

Thanks for sharing - it's a good lesson for all of us. :thumbup:

Fat Baxter
04-02-2017, 08:55 PM
It's Spring -- the rising sap must be bringing out the stupidity in the cage drivers.

Down here, we got the "spring breakers" -- college kids passing through, on their way to the Florida beaches. Most of them drive non-stop from up north, taking turns behind the wheel. Local cops make a mint, passing out tickets. Heck, we even got four-lane, divided, semi-limited-access roads, with 65MPH speed limits, in the middle of nowhere, just to funnel those idiots south towards the beaches.

Yesterday afternoon, I saw an accident on the northbound side of the interstate as I was headed south, just south of Birmingham. Of course, traffic on that side was at a standstill. Half an hour later down the interstate, the northbound traffic was still backed up on the other side.

And last night, as my wife and I went out to grab a bite, some doofus decided he really needed to make that left turn in front of us, even though he didn't have a green turn arrow. Almost took out our front end.

04-02-2017, 09:02 PM
Glad that Kathy is ok, Please everyone be safe out there, keep the rubber side down!

Up here in the Northeast the riding season has not started yet,( because of the White Fungus- snow) Be alert, extra safe, and be aware of your surroundings. Deanna

04-02-2017, 09:31 PM
Glad she was aware and safe , I've done the same with Cindy to always be aware of who and whats around you and never take for granted just because someones looking at you they actually see you.
To many distracted drivers and one's suffering from Duh I'm the center of the universe rules don't apply to me.:banghead:

04-02-2017, 10:42 PM
You probably saw on the news that the 20 yr old pickup driver who crashed into the church bus in Texas, killing 13, admitted to a witness he was texting. Every texter/driver who has had a wreck has said to himself/herself, "It won't happen to me." If they thought that it COULD happen to them, they wouldn't be texting.

That young man's life is ruined, for maybe, what, 5 minutes of socializing.

I think the police should publicly report after every accident if there was evidence of texting. But we seem to have an attitude in this culture, "People are dead, let's not make a spectacle of it." Well, maybe if we did more people would get it through their thick skulls that no one is safe when there is a distracted driver on the road, neither the distracted driver nor the other driver.

04-03-2017, 06:04 AM
Seems worse to drive out here these days... glad it she ok!

Bob Denman
04-03-2017, 06:54 AM
I'm glad to hear that Kathy was able to avoid this mess! nojoke

But... Before we all start sounding "Holier than Thou"; we've already had several motorcycle wrecks up here that had nothing to do with cages. :banghead:

Ride aware, and ride within your limits!

04-03-2017, 07:27 AM
Glad she is ok. Saturday had 3 instances of close calls just in our little town.
You can't fix stupid. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

You are right situational awareness is a must.

04-03-2017, 07:45 AM
I'm glad to hear that Kathy was able to avoid this mess! nojoke < x2

But...we've already had several motorcycle wrecks up here that had nothing to do with cages. :banghead:

Ride aware, and ride within your limits!

Here too, but it's not a case of already. It's a seemingly constant state(due to some of the best twisties in the US being here, or near).

The last Santa Anna we had took out two, while descending this.


Gusting from 35 to 100 MPH

04-03-2017, 08:02 AM
According to a recent poll, over 70% of Millennials think that it is OK to run red lights. See it all the time here.

04-03-2017, 09:09 AM
Thats why I have a dash cam on both spyder, scooter and car

04-03-2017, 01:29 PM
Glad to hear the missus dodged a bullet. Red light runners are a plague here. I saw one yesterday run a red light and he had to go almost the whole block on red before running through the intersection. :yikes:

Bob Denman
04-03-2017, 02:38 PM
Glad to hear the missus dodged a bullet. Red light runners are a plague here. I saw one yesterday run a red light and he had to go almost the whole block on red before running through the intersection. :yikes:
He must have been figuring that it would turn green before he finally got to it... :banghead:

04-03-2017, 04:33 PM
Did you notice if on the phone or texting ?? Alway's in your best safety to drive DEFENSIVELY, no matter what the other person is doing or seems to be doing. Hell coming home from a friends last night on the highway, had a PEACE OFFICER ( wanna be cop ) cut in front of me with less than 2 car lengths between us, was going to flash him the light's and thought, screw it another moron on the highway. Kinda scary sometimes. Now if i did that to them ??? HMMMMMMMM , wonder how much that would have cost me.

Mr. Pickels
04-03-2017, 04:48 PM
I'm glad to hear that Kathy was able to avoid this mess! nojoke

But... Before we all start sounding "Holier than Thou"; we've already had several motorcycle wrecks up here that had nothing to do with cages. :banghead:

Ride aware, and ride within your limits!

Gear up... double check those intersections and take those corners appropriately....:thumbup:

04-03-2017, 04:51 PM
In the small city where I live there are lots of people running red lights and stop signs. Close to half here do not use turn signals and half of those don't know what they mean when you use them. Lots of talking on cell phones and a few are texting too. Speed limits are apparently optional with many going 10 to 15 mph over any given limit sometimes more than that. I have often had to do 50 mph in a 35 zone just to avoid being run over. It gets crazier in bigger cities but it's already bad enough right here.

Mr. Pickels
04-03-2017, 04:59 PM
I think I am going to get that obnoxious horn... and perhaps a go-pro. Then I could do a funny youtube series pranking txt'ers lmao:yikes:

04-03-2017, 05:11 PM
He must have been figuring that it would turn green before he finally got to it... :banghead:

You assume he saw it, I bet he was busy ordering from papa johns.
an A:cus: in any case

Bob Denman
04-03-2017, 05:12 PM
:agree: :gaah:

04-03-2017, 05:42 PM
That was a close call. I'm glad it turned out OK. I would have immediately followed the offending driver and read him/her the riot act!

Bob Denman
04-03-2017, 05:46 PM
That was a close call. I'm glad it turned out OK. I would have immediately followed the offending driver and read him/her the riot act!

:shocked: It's actually better to not confront them...
Just get their plate number, and a description of the vehicle, and call it in to the local Police. nojoke

If they're stupid enough to almost kill you at an intersection: who can say what other dumb-assery they're capable of? :dontknow:

Mr. Pickels
04-03-2017, 05:51 PM
:shocked: It's actually better to not confront them...
Just get their plate number, and a description of the vehicle, and call it in to the local Police. nojoke

If they're stupid enough to almost kill you at an intersection: who can say what other dumb-assery they're capable of? :dontknow:

Get it on the go-pro and get the five-O on the case:clap:

Roadster Renovations
04-03-2017, 07:07 PM
That was a close call. I'm glad it turned out OK. I would have immediately followed the offending driver and read him/her the riot act!

Thought about that and almost did, but the wife was shaken up on the RT and I really couldn't leave her. She would have tried to follow me. We run 'em down around my town. Every once in a while I will be by myself and find something not right; impaired driver, reckless driving, etc. The PD here in town knows me well. The 911 center is 2 blocks away and several are automotive customers.
This little punk (about 18) looked right at us, laughed and turned to his buddy and they both laughed. Never hit brake one at all.

04-03-2017, 07:22 PM
That was a close call. I'm glad it turned out OK. I would have immediately followed the offending driver and read him/her the riot act!

I'm not one that lives in fear, far from it, but, some would just as soon give you lead poisoning today as to look at ya. Times like that, like it or not are best caught on Go Pro and produced as evidence to the authorities. Without it and because they did not witness it, even their hands are tied. Our system....SUCKS!

04-03-2017, 07:26 PM
In Alaska, most carry guns and are not afraid to use them. We have at least one incident per day. I will defer to the idiots and not confront them. :yes: