View Full Version : CanAm Towing system user comments?

03-08-2017, 06:53 PM
I am interested in the Can Am hitch attachment towing system that lifts the rear wheel 144539and the fronts stay on the ground. I would like to hear from someone who uses that system. If there are prior threads, please direct me to them. Thanks

03-08-2017, 07:02 PM
I've never seen something like that on the market before. Who is the seller?

My main concern would be the angle of the Spyder's nose to the ground. There's not a lot of ground clearance even when the Spyder is level.

I'd also be concerned with stress on the windshield from towing backward.

Cruzr Joe
03-08-2017, 07:26 PM
I've never seen something like that on the market before. Who is the seller?

My main concern would be the angle of the Spyder's nose to the ground. There's not a lot of ground clearance even when the Spyder is level.

I'd also be concerned with stress on the windshield from towing backward.

cruzr joe

Pirate looks at --
03-08-2017, 08:13 PM
One good bump in the road, or some good size road kill.....and there goes the frunk!:roflblack::roflblack:

03-08-2017, 08:19 PM
You have all so far voiced my concerns. Bumps or obstacles in the road leading to front end damage, and the windshield getting undo stress.


03-08-2017, 08:26 PM
Good comments and concerns so far. I am ordering one, and unless I hear some definite comments from prior users, I am going to try it. If the nose clearance proves a concern, I will drop the hitch height down some. These are shown at www.motorcycle-rack.com model DRT WT500. When I get it I will post my comments on what I have found. The price seems attractive at $360 plus $80 for shipping.

03-08-2017, 08:43 PM
It may be ok for short distance under a mile :dontknow: But also consider the force applied to the front end in unusual direction. The alignment not gonna hold afterwards :lecturef_smilie:
Tire rotation also a problem :popcorn: Nothing on spyder is small price repairs. So really cant justify the risk. Just tow it properly on a trailer or flatbed. Just my .02:thumbup:

03-08-2017, 09:53 PM
This is not the ideal way to tow your spyder around. Either trailer it or ryde it but dragging it....:wrong: and could be painfully expensive.... but if you do let us know how it works out :thumbup:

03-08-2017, 10:22 PM
Good luck on your decision to give it a try. Let us know how it works for you. :thumbup:

03-09-2017, 09:05 AM
Good comments and concerns so far. I am ordering one, and unless I hear some definite comments from prior users, I am going to try it. If the nose clearance proves a concern, I will drop the hitch height down some. These are shown at www.motorcycle-rack.com (http://www.motorcycle-rack.com) model DRT WT500. When I get it I will post my comments on what I have found. The price seems attractive at $360 plus $80 for shipping.

Good luck with that.

Bob Denman
03-09-2017, 09:15 AM
Honestly; I don't see this as a viable alternative...
dragging the nose, and tearing bodywork loose...
Will the windshield survive being dragged backwards at speed?
(Okay... this one tucks up right behind the towing vehicle: it MIGHT provide some shielding)

Good luck, but be prepared for unforeseen consequences...

03-09-2017, 09:17 AM
Not recommended!


03-09-2017, 10:00 AM
I would not do it with my Spyder nor would I recommend it to others. Way too much potential for problems. I have a motorhome and tow my jeep or trailer with the spyder inside, I am well aware of the movement involved while towing. When you hit a bump at highway speed the MH porpoises and the rear bumper can move up and down a foot in either direction. There are times when i have pulled into or out of a parking lot and the rear skid plates hit the pavement or the rear is way up in the air. Jut think what could happen if your spyder was on the back in times like that.

Cruzr Joe
03-09-2017, 11:13 AM
I think that every opinion on here is telling you "DON'T DO THAT" and :agree:

03-09-2017, 11:56 AM
I'd kinda like to watch that rig go down a bumpy Pennsylvania road (from a significant distance). It would be amusing but sad to watch a Spyder self destruct at speed.

03-10-2017, 12:17 AM
Seems kinda cool to me. Some valid concerns, but I really don't think the towing in reverse will damage the wheels or alignment. The bottoming out.. you'd really have to hit something at an odd angle because the tires of the Spyder will always hit the ground before the nose.

While I ride everywhere basically, I could see one of these being real handy to have.

I'll await the posters review.
Maybe these guys should be a site sponsor our here and they can tell us all about the unit.

I say go for it and see how it does.

Billy C.
05-01-2018, 04:53 AM
Good comments and concerns so far. I am ordering one, and unless I hear some definite comments from prior users, I am going to try it. If the nose clearance proves a concern, I will drop the hitch height down some. These are shown at www.motorcycle-rack.com (http://www.motorcycle-rack.com) model DRT WT500. When I get it I will post my comments on what I have found. The price seems attractive at $360 plus $80 for shipping.

Any updates on the towing system, did you order one?

05-01-2018, 06:46 AM
What kind of lock on the front wheels to hold the wheel in a straight line? Can not be done without locking the steering wheels. If you get the to work at all, you will be spending a lot of money trying to save money.

05-01-2018, 09:19 PM
Hoping for the best but I'm not sure about this one.

05-01-2018, 10:07 PM
Very bad idea!


Peter Aawen
05-01-2018, 10:20 PM
I think that every opinion on here is telling you "DON'T DO THAT" and :agree:

Doesn't it make you wonder just a little..... a new poster - he comes on & asks a question like that, gets what looked to me to be very much a 100% DON'T DO THAT response at that stage before saying 'good comments so far' ( :hun: what freakin thread was he reading?! Certainly not THIS thread!! :dontknow: ) & then telling us he's going to order one, but we never hear from him again & it looks like he hasn't even logged on since shortly after..... :rolleyes:

Do you think it was something we said?? Or maybe the way we said it?? :dontknow:

05-02-2018, 06:58 AM
Doesn't it make you wonder just a little..... a new poster - he comes on & asks a question like that, gets what looked to me to be very much a 100% DON'T DO THAT response at that stage before saying 'good comments so far' ( :hun: what freakin thread was he reading?! Certainly not THIS thread!! :dontknow: ) & then telling us he's going to order one, but we never hear from him again & it looks like he hasn't even logged on since shortly after..... :rolleyes:

Do you think it was something we said?? Or maybe the way we said it?? :dontknow:

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink! :bdh:

05-02-2018, 07:32 AM
Maybe the OP was the seller of that gadget just trying to get someone to click on the link to that goofy website in hopes of making sales.

OR maybe they just didn't feel the love from the SL site which happens on occasion depending on how nice the replies are or not.

02-15-2019, 01:29 PM
I would never do this. My opinion is I paid too much money for my spyder to try this method of towing. The potential risk out weighs the reward.

02-15-2019, 02:08 PM
I would NEVER tow my spyder that way. I would either ride or tow the spyder to the destination.


02-15-2019, 02:08 PM
Good comments and concerns so far. I am ordering one, and unless I hear some definite comments from prior users, I am going to try it. If the nose clearance proves a concern, I will drop the hitch height down some. These are shown at www.motorcycle-rack.com model DRT WT500. When I get it I will post my comments on what I have found. The price seems attractive at $360 plus $80 for shipping.

I think you may not get any responses from actual users because there probably aren't many !!!!! ………. and for the reasons stated …… Towing the RT in the reverse position is foolhardy at best ……… not only are you likely to damage the Windshield itself …… The EASILY over-stressed Windshield ARM might also BREAK or at the least be seriously compromised...………… good luck ………. Mike :ohyea:

02-16-2019, 12:46 AM
I'll have to join the "Don't Do It" dogpile. I can see the same issues as have already been posted.

02-16-2019, 08:42 AM
The windshield can be removed to solve that problem. In my opinion, the biggest problem is that the alignment of the wheels becomes reversed when you tow backwards and this would make the spyder unstable at higher speeds. Any toe-in becomes toe out, trailing caster becomes leading. Not conducive to stability in my mind.

02-16-2019, 08:47 AM
Just so we don't all waste our computer penmanship. This is an old thread posted two years ago and people are still replying??


02-16-2019, 09:18 AM
I knew but I think we are all looking for an inexpensive way to tow our spyders and it is still the am and I have some energy to burn. Have a great day

Big F
02-16-2019, 10:13 AM
I surely hope you prove all of the naysayers wrong!!

Big F
02-20-2019, 09:37 AM
It's going to be interesting hearing your take on the towing system?? I sure hope it works fine for you and you can prove all of the negative naysayers wrong!! Keep us tuned in. tks

04-24-2019, 03:59 PM
That's not how we got to the moon...by opinion. Trial and tribulation. I will like to reach out to the distributor who sells a lot of tow equipment and see how many were sold and maybe a way of contacting them and get an actual account. My concern is the windshield pulling away from the reverse wind and maybe the tires running backwards at high speeds for a while. They say do not criss cross radial tires because it causes them to run backwards and can cause tread failure. But I sure will like to hear from the horses mouth.

04-24-2019, 06:55 PM
The OP never has come back to tell us what he did and what the result was.

04-25-2019, 06:57 AM
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink! :bdh:

In this case it might be more like: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him THINK.