View Full Version : this guy is nuts, skydives w/o a chute

02-18-2017, 06:55 PM

Bob Denman
02-19-2017, 08:47 AM

Was that a "Successful Act of Stupidity"
or just an
"Unsuccessful Act of Suicide"?

02-19-2017, 11:07 AM
Bob, how much would his life insurance policy cost? :yikes:.

If the jump didn't kill him, the premium would.. :roflblack:

02-19-2017, 11:31 AM
it takes all kinds, to make this world go round. what does one think about on the way down, on a jump w/o a chute

Bob Denman
02-19-2017, 12:40 PM
Bob, how much would his life insurance policy cost? :yikes:.

If the jump didn't kill him, the premium would.. :roflblack:

:agree: If he got his policy (And made sure that it had a double-indemnity clause for accidental death...), and he had a heart attack after seeing the bill..

...his buddies could throw him out of the plane, and double the pay-out! :clap:


02-19-2017, 02:39 PM
Another bucket list item--NOT! :roflblack::roflblack:

02-19-2017, 03:31 PM
:agree: If he got his policy (And made sure that it had a double-indemnity clause for accidental death...), and he had a heart attack after seeing the bill..

...his buddies could throw him out of the plane, and double the pay-out! :clap:


Wonder how much trouble they would get in for tossing him out of the plane.. depending on the policy, it might be worth it. Lol

02-19-2017, 03:33 PM
Hi Bob,

Re: and double the pay-out!

The 'story' going around in the skydiving world is that he was paid $1,000,000.00 to do it. His wife would not agree until they upped it to that amount.

Jerry Baumchen

Bob Denman
02-19-2017, 05:25 PM
Hi Jerry,
At least he knows what he's worth to her... :D
Unless she takes out that million dollar life insurance policy, with the double-indemnity payout for an "accidental" death... :shocked:

02-19-2017, 06:19 PM
my old man was in the air force, he was a top gunner and radio man in B 24's and 17's. i remember him telling me that during drills, he would have to strap on his chute that he kept above the radio, and his place if he had to jump, was at the bomb doors. he said the pilots would tell them, that if the chute didn't open, return it to the air force, and they would give them a new one