View Full Version : A story worth sharing regarding motorcycles vs bikes

04-09-2009, 07:27 PM
Hello Everyone,
I was riding my Spyder the other day. I was cruising through the city when I saw a nice Harley sitting on the corner, (in a spot where it shouldn’t be) with no biker in sight. I realized it was broken down. (yes folks, I’m smarter than I look. Bike where it shouldn't be with no rider? Probably broken down.) :D
So anyway, I pulled in to the Quick Shop across the street to see if the rider was anywhere in sight. I didn’t know if I could be of any help but wanted to at least offer. Well, he saw me before I saw him and hollered out to me. I stopped and he came over as said, " Hey, do me a favor will you?" I said, "Sure." He said, " Ride back to Doc’s Harley Davidson, " which is only about 2 miles away" and tell them Captain Jim, (or something like that) is down here with a broken down bike. Send someone with the trailer so we can haul this bike back to the shop." I said sure. So off I went.
(Well, I can’t help but to enjoy this part of the story because it is my typical experience when riding through the parking lot of this particular dealership.)
So as I’m pulling into the lot, there were a couple bikers around making sure they were NOT looking at the Spyder. :) I go inside and walk up to the service counter. I finally get the attention of the two service guys. (Amazing how long it took considering no customers were around.) Anyway, how did I know I got their attention? Because one of them says, " Yea?" :dontknow: I respond, " Do you know someone by the name of Captain Jim?" (or whatever his name was.) One of them responded, " Captain Jim? Yea we know Captain Jim." I say, "Well his bike's broke down at the corner of Such n’ Such and he asked me to ride here to ask you guys to bring the trailer down and come and pick him up." They said they would and that ended that conversation.
As I leave and step up to my Spyder, I’m putting on my helmet when a car drives by with someone hollering at me, "Buy A Harley!" Well, I just had to smile as I thought to myself, "What? Like the one " broken down", down the street?"
Again, this was just a thought. ;) Oh by the way, all rides break down sooner or later, it doesn't matter what you ride or drive. :shocked:
Well, one of the employees had stepped out to smoke a cigarette and overheard the comment by the passerby. We looked at one another and he said, "Thanks for helping Captain Jim." I said, " Sure!"
NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE! One biker helping another and being appreciated no matter what he/she rides.
As I rode back past Captain Jim, I hollered to him that they were on their way and he hollered back, " Thank You!" I gave him the thumbs up. :thumbup:
I don’t really understand the issue with some riders but I guess that’s just the way it is. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. Myself, I like all kinds of bikes and especially like the looks of a Harley. I’ll probably never own one and that is for two reasons.
Reason 1. For some of them I would consider buying, I can’t afford them and
Reason 2. Since I bought this Spyder, I don’t plan on buying 2-wheels ever again. Safe riding everyone! Keep it on 2-wheels! Or 3! :spyder:Jerry

04-09-2009, 07:40 PM

04-09-2009, 07:42 PM
That is what a biker does - helps another biker - you did good dude!

04-09-2009, 07:45 PM
You're right you find all types of personalities on all types of bikes. Much like you I'm an enthusiast of bikes period. I love'em all.

Funniest part of the story though is someone in a car hollering for you to buy a Harley.:D

04-09-2009, 07:53 PM
That is what a biker does - helps another biker - you did good dude!

+ 1

That's what we do.:thumbup:

04-09-2009, 08:26 PM
I have and enjoy my Harley friends. All have had one free shot at the spyder and we all laugh. That haveing been said when someone says you should get a Harley I smile and open the trunk.
That gets there attention followed with " I will have a Harley soon----I pick up Harley parts along the road. I put them in my trunk."
I only wish you could see their expression.

04-09-2009, 08:38 PM
Great story COOLMACHINE.. I really enjoyed that one and you are correct, I'm am somewhat like you in the fact of the matter they are so expensive, I mean HARLEY verses HONDA full dressers--- If you go price one of full dressed out Harley then price out a full dress Honda, you get SO MUCH more bang for the buck... I'm thinking Honda's goldwing Reverse, wow!! Nice... From the riders I talk to its a big buy american deal (thats what I'm getting out of it and I really wonder how many parts or not american) well if you wanna buy american ride a Polaris ( Sprit Lake Iowa, motors are built in Minnesota) full dress ( which I think is a pretty neat bike ) or maybe an Indian... I don't know though, to sum it up,, As long as theres wheels turning I don't give a hoot lets just ride.. I think there will always be those DIE HARD Harley riders and thats cool, again lets just all ride..

Star Cruiser
04-09-2009, 09:31 PM
Great story COOLMACHINE.. I really enjoyed that one and you are correct, I'm am somewhat like you in the fact of the matter they are so expensive, I mean HARLEY verses HONDA full dressers--- If you go price one of full dressed out Harley then price out a full dress Honda, you get SO MUCH more bang for the buck... I'm thinking Honda's goldwing Reverse, wow!! Nice... From the riders I talk to its a big buy american deal (thats what I'm getting out of it and I really wonder how many parts or not american) well if you wanna buy american ride a Polaris ( Sprit Lake Iowa, motors are built in Minnesota) full dress ( which I think is a pretty neat bike ) or maybe an Indian... I don't know though, to sum it up,, As long as theres wheels turning I don't give a hoot lets just ride.. I think there will always be those DIE HARD Harley riders and thats cool, again lets just all ride..

Yes it is all about riding and if you want to buy American, get a Can-Am :spyder2: - Made in North America :)

04-09-2009, 10:35 PM
That's usually who it is..... The clown that has no bike, and one Harley shirt that he wears everywhere he goes:doorag:

Knew a young man I used to work with. Had the boots, chain wallet, bandana, talked trash, leather vest, black motorcycle jacket, and YEP, no motorcycle.

04-10-2009, 05:34 AM

04-10-2009, 07:37 AM
That's usually who it is..... The clown that has no bike, and one Harley shirt that he wears everywhere he goes:doorag:

Gotta agree with you there. 90% of the time the guys I ride with are on HD's, and not a one of them has given me anything but respect.

04-10-2009, 10:45 AM
Gotta agree with you there. 90% of the time the guys I ride with are on HD's, and not a one of them has given me anything but respect.

Yep, as I've said before, I get almost all postive feedback from everyone....or at least a wave, casual conversation, the "what is it?" conversation, etc.

I drive through that parking lot for two reasons. 1 to look at the BEAUTIFUL MACHINES that are lined up and 2, to watch Noooobody look at me when I drive through the parking lot. :yes: LOLOLOL :D
Did anybody else see that biker earlier in the thread looking at me with those sunglasses on and cap? ---> :doorag: <.......Oh, it's OK, it's Lamont! :thumbup: