Quote Originally Posted by Rick H. View Post
Okay Spyder People, where are we on the performance upgrades that have been bantered about in this thread?....

I still like the premise behind the Spyder, but man-oh-man it needs more horsepower!.....
The issue may very well be that you envision yourself as belonging to a much larger power hungry group than what in reality exists. The potential market may just not be there in the numbers you think. And then, the days of reshaping camshafts and heads to get more power are pretty much gone. It's a computer world, and the Can Am engine is a computer connected to a mechanical rotating system. You can bet the programming that runs the 1330 is probably ten times as complicated as what took the astronauts to the moon. Reverse engineering software is a non-starter unless the potential market is large enough to recover millions in programming costs. BRP is targeting the vast middle area of the potential market, and as I said, power hungry riders aren't part of the middle third of the curve. By your own admission you don't use the power offering of your BMW very much at all. BRP most likely is satisfied to provide a machine for the 95 out of 100 who are potential owners. There's nothing to be gained by going after the other 5 if it adds a lot of cost to the machine.