NO luck today.......before helping my hands had to go to bed. OK not too upset my helping hands are that of my son who has state semi finals DII Rugby game in the morning , they are three games away from state champs.

OK on to the bike update! I spent a few hours struggling and then decided to start over. I decided to reverse the removal for the install.

1. installed the muffler to the by-pass
2. installed the muffler on the bike
3. hung the by-pass on the rubber grommet near the rear tire

Those step looked like it lines everything up very well!

4. started messing with trying to get the by-pass on the down pipes and still struggled.
5. removed everything from the bike again to try to open on the pipes on the by-pass

Now I wait tell tomorrow after the game to try again.......hoping for the best.....UGHHH! hardest mod i have done I hope it pays off!