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  1. #51
    SpyderLovers Sponsor Motorcycledave's Avatar
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    Default Disclaimer ???

    I am not quite sure that is the fix all on the mfg. just saying not for highway use, last year I was reading in Rider Magazine and the newspaperabout one of the major manufactures of after market exhaust systems for motorcycles being nailed for several hundred thousand dollars and having to recall all the ones that did not meet the federal regs. and knowing they weregoing on to street bikes.

  2. #52
    Very Active Member SNOOPY's Avatar
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    It's fine in Va. So just sell these to us.

  3. #53
    Very Active Member jcthorne's Avatar
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    Many of the OEM car manufacturers do exactly this. Ford Racing sells lots of exhaust systems and other performance parts that are 'for off road use only'. Been this way for many years. This way they can sell the parts. If you use them in a manner that is not in strict compliance with some obscure federal law, they are not to blame. Motorcycles are not subject to emissions inspections in any state, nor the territory known as California.

    Blue Flame Spyder F3-S
    2015 F3S , Blue Flame

  4. #54
    SpyderLovers Sponsor Motorcycledave's Avatar
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    Don't say that to loud they may be listening in California big brother can and will figure, hey lets do smog tests on bikes we can charge for it and keepthe money for our fun trips and other perks...

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purple Guy View Post
    Been reading alot about the Cat Bypass and just wondering, would this have any affect on the warranty of the Spyder?
    When I asked that question a couple of days ago, someone told me to do a search and don't waste their time, hope your shown a little more respect. Will be watching your post for the answers to that question.
    2017 F3-S , circuit yellow

  6. #56
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    I also have had the Spyder Attitude cat bypass and Spyder Attitude muffler installed by my dealer in the last couple of weeks. I have read these threads ever since purchasing my 2013 RTS last summer. I am not really one to comment and particularly don't care for the bickering that some contain. I am one of the individuals that has had the heat problem from day one. Went through purchasing and blocking off the radiator vents. Wrapping the stock exhaust. Having the computer updates done to make it run cooler etc.
    The computer update helped in making it run cooler. Blocking the vents helped the heat on the mid leg area, and now finally the elimination of the catalytic converter has almost completely eliminated the intense burning blast of hot air coming directly on the ankle from the cat. convt. through and under the Spyder and through the hole where the brake linkage comes through the body. I can now enjoy the ride on a $28,000 vehicle that I should have always have been able to do. Be that as it may, The Spyder Attitude cat bypass and any of the others that come out all will surely help the one aspect of the overall heat issue. As far as the things said about the Spyder Attitude product I did not really have the same experience. It all went together with ease and the entire job of removing the stock exhaust and installing the replacement took less than an hour. The seams between pieces are strait and do not leak. My welds are done well and look great. The sound is exactly what I was looking for and now sounds like I always hoped and thought it should. Yeah I thought it cost too much and one bracket I think should be made out of heavier material. Other than that I am very satisfied.

  7. #57
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    With all due respect and food for thought for those interested, here is a link to the Federal Law:

    You will see the Federal Law takes precedence over any state law regarding vehicle components related to Federal EPA standards of the Clean Air Act.
    Some may even find it interesting to note there is not a reference to "off-road-use" being an exemption to the law. While some products are sold under this guise, it does not protect the end-user from violating the law.

    If you read the entire law, you will find it is very restrictive with regard to any modification of any kind to any vehicle component by anyone -- ever. Reading the sections of "Actions to Restrain..." and "Civil Penalties"; you will see the law's legal reach is quite deep, restricting virtually anyone from making modifications.

    While I agree with most; enforcing the Act has not made headline news, and I have never known there to be an "enforcement task force" running around the country arresting people (yet
    ); I would however pause and be sure to read the law so you have, at least, an understanding of it before moving forward on any modification related to components required to exist by Federal Law.

    Here is one particular section of the law...

    42 U.S. Code § 7522 - Prohibited acts (3):
    (A) for any person to remove or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this subchapter prior to its sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser, or for any person knowingly to remove or render inoperative any such device or element of design after such sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser; or

    (B) for any person to manufacture or sell, or offer to sell, or install, any part or component intended for use with, or as part of, any motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, where a principal effect of the part or component is to bypass, defeat, or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this subchapter, and where the person knows or should know that such part or component is being offered for sale or installed for such use or put to such use.

  8. #58
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    Default Poor quality cat delete

    Quote Originally Posted by jcthorne View Post
    I have now installed my second SypderAttitude cat bypass....Only because there is no other available. I made comments about the poor build quality, low grade materials before, same story this time but WORSE this time the dimensions are messed up to the point it does not fit in the hanger without hitting the frame. Just really poor product. The first one was a bear but this one....

    I finally got it installed with lots of rework. At one point I got convinced it could not be this bad and I had messed something up. Reinstalled the factory cat in less than 10 minutes so it was most definitely a dimensional problem.

    Its on now, the joints are sealed up if crooked and no leaks. For the price they charge for this, it really should be of FAR better quality. Stainless Steel like the factory exhaust, not thin carbon steel and the person doing the welding really needs to go to trade school, they are just flat out ugly blobbed on welds. Sorry but the truth of this needs to come out and hopefully another vendor can offer a decent product. At least good quality and dimensional control if not cheaper. Sorry to rant on a sponsor vendor, but perhaps they should not be.
    This was my experience with the Cat Bypass that I installed a couple of mo ago and this is the email I sent to the manufacturer Spyder Attitudes.
    I purchased cat bypass for a 2013 Spyder RT Ltd a couple of wk ago.
    and it looks like an amateur had made it.
    The tubing that you used was about .06 larger than the stock ,so the dia was about .02 larger than the id of the
    muffler. Being that I am a machinist I decided to make it fit rather than send it back and wait a couple of wks. since I
    already had it torn down. I hand ground the tube and the muffler until it fit.
    Also the flange at the muffler was only tacked and not very good at that so I rewelded it.
    The two 3/8” hanger bars were mislocated by about 1/2” side to side and about 1/4” up and down,so I cut them off and
    welded in place after final mounting.
    I spent about an extra 6 hr reworking and making it fit.

    Very poor quality and quality control


  9. #59
    Very Active Member SNOOPY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illinois Boy View Post
    With all due respect and food for thought for those interested, here is a link to the Federal Law:

    You will see the Federal Law takes precedence over any state law regarding vehicle components related to Federal EPA standards of the Clean Air Act.
    Some may even find it interesting to note there is not a reference to "off-road-use" being an exemption to the law. While some products are sold under this guise, it does not protect the end-user from violating the law.

    If you read the entire law, you will find it is very restrictive with regard to any modification of any kind to any vehicle component by anyone -- ever. Reading the sections of "Actions to Restrain..." and "Civil Penalties"; you will see the law's legal reach is quite deep, restricting virtually anyone from making modifications.

    While I agree with most; enforcing the Act has not made headline news, and I have never known there to be an "enforcement task force" running around the country arresting people (yet
    ); I would however pause and be sure to read the law so you have, at least, an understanding of it before moving forward on any modification related to components required to exist by Federal Law.

    Here is one particular section of the law...

    42 U.S. Code § 7522 - Prohibited acts (3):
    (A) for any person to remove or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this subchapter prior to its sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser, or for any person knowingly to remove or render inoperative any such device or element of design after such sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser; or

    (B) for any person to manufacture or sell, or offer to sell, or install, any part or component intended for use with, or as part of, any motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, where a principal effect of the part or component is to bypass, defeat, or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this subchapter, and where the person knows or should know that such part or component is being offered for sale or installed for such use or put to such use.

    Personally I think these type laws are made to protect the consumer from resellers like used car lots selling unsafe vehicles.


  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by SNOOPY View Post
    Personally I think these type laws are made to protect the consumer from resellers like used car lots selling unsafe vehicles.
    Certainly by reading the law this is, in part, true. The fines for mechanics, car dealers, marketers of by-pass products and such are the highest. Up to $25,000 per part, not incident. In other words, two parts replaced could fetch a fine of $50,000. Where the fine for individuals is far less.

    Again, I do not know of anyone who has been arrested and charged yet, so I am not losing sleep over it.

  11. #61
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    check with Lamont - his cat bypass is very very nice

  12. #62
    Very Active Member SNOOPY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doug View Post
    When I asked that question a couple of days ago, someone told me to do a search and don't waste their time, hope your shown a little more respect. Will be watching your post for the answers to that question.

    It wasn't me, but I hope to you don't take it to heart.

    So hard to tell on the computer thingy if someone is serious or joking or just in a mood. And I know it's fustrating when searching for a legitimate answer. I've been on both sides before and just take it in strides. lol


  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by lookerjdc View Post
    check with Lamont - his cat bypass is very very nice
    As soon as he sells some to the rest of us we will.

  14. #64
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    Default Have we not learned? Can we not be Wise?


    Just have to "vent" or put my two cents in on this----

    Have we NOT learned through time about decisions made by a group of people in D.C.? Over regulation is constantly ruining this country. The amount of emissions created by a motocycle is little compared to big SUV's etc, Are you NOT seeing what the EPA is doing currently with their over regulation etc,? Have you not seen your Electric Bills Lately? A lot of the rate increases is to put more regulations on power generation then ever before---they are shutting down coal---which can run this country for another 200 years. They can make coal as clean or cleaner then it has ever been too.

    Then comes ETHANOL---it actually reduces MPG----It also has cancer causing carcinogens which are dumped into the atmosphere, it's caused farm grain prices to soar, so animal feed costs farmers millions more than ever---herds are reduced---like paying $50 for a nice steak? How about bread prices? Ethanol also turns a lot of small engine gaskets into mush inside the carb etc., Boats....shall we talk about that?

    Yeah we are real smart aren't we? We all gripe---but no one puts a stop to the non-sense. Do you not realize GOD is in control? Do you not see this earth including all the things we have done to it---are all calculated by our CREATOR---yes we should be good stewards of things on this earth----but all this ======good grief!

    A cat-bypass- is pretty much harmless---it improves horsepower, it improves gas mileage, it REMOVES HEAT and STOPS fuel tank boiling of GAS---that has got to be a safety issue. It lightens the weight of the bike--not by much but it does. Who can you thank for Catalytic Coverters? You got it------just like boat engines, small percentage but even they get the fun of messing with the darn things now. OVER-REGULATION---ENOUGH!

    Cat Bypass is not a bad thing with the Spyders I agree---check it out--research it----look at peoples designs, like the one by Lamont and you decide----However it does make improvements and ultimately will save $$$ and dangerous situations and probably even make components of the bike last longer due to a reduced state of HEAT!

    Thanks for your time and good luck! Sorry but I had to toss my two cents into the picture too.
    Last edited by Elembytes; 05-05-2014 at 08:34 PM.
    2015 RT-Limited SE6-TricLED Fender LED's (Red and Amber), 3rd LED Brake Light/Tail Light, ISCI Handbrake with black small hands handle,Spyderpops Rock Guard. ,Can-Am Adjustable Wing Vents, Bumpskid, Bajaron's Sway-Bar with metal Heim Joints. Elkas Stage 2 Plus., TricLED Wide-VU Mirrors, TricLED Jumper Port, Laser Aligned!

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  16. #66
    Very Active Member Copperman's Avatar
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    Default I had one installed at Spyderfest

    I had Lamonts cat by-pass installed by Pitbull at Spyderfest. I noticed my bike was a little peppier as soon as I pulled away. Even though I've traveled 700 miles since the install, I'm not sure on the gas mileage. In time, I'll know more. I'm sure there's less heat, but I've never had the hot foot problem. I saw the by-pass before the install and it looked like a very high quality product.

    Just my two cents.
    2020 Chalk, RT Limited, Dark and matching RT622 trailer and BRP hitch. BRP Drivers Backrest, Auxiliary Light, Garmin Zumo XT, GPS Support, RT Rear Panel and Travel Cover. Spyderpops LEDs on fenders, mirrors, saddlebags, top case and RT rear panel. Spyderpops Rock Guard. BajaRon Swaybar, Wolo Bad Boy horn, Freedom Windshield, Elka Shocks.
    2020 RT Limited , Chalk

  17. #67
    Very Active Member SNOOPY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copperman View Post
    I had Lamonts cat by-pass installed by Pitbull at Spyderfest. I noticed my bike was a little peppier as soon as I pulled away. Even though I've traveled 700 miles since the install, I'm not sure on the gas mileage. In time, I'll know more. I'm sure there's less heat, but I've never had the hot foot problem. I saw the by-pass before the install and it looked like a very high quality product.

    Just my two cents.

    Did it make the bike much louder?

  18. #68
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    Default Yes, a little.

    Quote Originally Posted by SNOOPY View Post
    Did it make the bike much louder?

    I guess that was the first thing I noticed. It was louder. Not Vance & Hines loud, but definitely louder.
    2020 Chalk, RT Limited, Dark and matching RT622 trailer and BRP hitch. BRP Drivers Backrest, Auxiliary Light, Garmin Zumo XT, GPS Support, RT Rear Panel and Travel Cover. Spyderpops LEDs on fenders, mirrors, saddlebags, top case and RT rear panel. Spyderpops Rock Guard. BajaRon Swaybar, Wolo Bad Boy horn, Freedom Windshield, Elka Shocks.
    2020 RT Limited , Chalk

  19. #69
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