Quote Originally Posted by bikeguy View Post
I can't speak for how any dealers might treat any of us on the road but I might offer a couple of hints that might help you to avoid being caught in this situation again. 1) I carry a spare key on the bike in a location which I won't disclose but it's simple to locate. For example, you might put one in your toolbag which is under the seat and is locked. 2) I had 2 chipless spare keys made at a local locksmith. They won't start the bike but they will unlock everything including the seat. I carry one in my pocket and my wife carries one her pocket. So, in order to be stranded, we would have to simultaneously lose three keys and that's not likely to happen. In fact, it's possible to open the seat without a key so, if my key was actually in my toolbag, I could get to it without a key at all. One other thing, should you break a key, a chipless key will turn the ignition and the bike can be started by holding the broken key including the chip against the switch. Sorry, this doesn't help you in your current situation but it may help prevent it in the future. Cotton
Does anyone know where I can get a blank (do you know the blank number?) to get a chipless key made. Went to the local Ace hardware and they didn't have a matching blank.