Quote Originally Posted by rarerockmusic View Post
Well, slowly putting her back together, I gutted my cat and got it welded shut and put that back on (how I did it is in another post), did this to save money so no bypass pipe . She's a little louder but not much, gutting cat made little difference in that area but a lot less heat. The oil cooler fan I wired to the radiator fan so they come on together and all works well, I used a SPAL 4" fan mounted towards the bottom of the cooler. I think maybe my thermostat comes on a little late, hit 8 bars during idle then temp dropped to 1 bar so new pump is working great, it's installed between the tank and the the motors water pump housing. Had the low oil light/pressure problem code P0524 quick search on here cleared up that worry. Wrapped the exhaust pipes, all but where the welds are (I seen on here that those spots could rust so decided to avert more problems) and its much cooler! Waiting on Kewlmetal air filter and will test all my mods on the road to be sure all is ok, but so far so good.
That's a very interesting idea/setup bypassing the mechanical pump that way. Did you happen to take any pics along the way you could post up?
I really like it when someone's not afraid to think outside the box to get things done! Nice job!.