Had the Spyder now for a month and a half or so. Strictly purchased as a "stress reliever" for the wife and myself. What has surprised me to some degree is how little this thing rides and drives like a motorcycle? I am not sure if it was on this site or another but somebody compared a Spyder to cross between a motorcycle and a Mazda Miata convertible.........I know what they were getting at. I kinda think this is why the wifey loves to ride with me on it because it truly is not a motorcycle by definition? Anyway found out what has been bugging me...........the frickin windshield is just to high.

So got home from the dealer on Saturday after my first service and got out the jig saw. Masked the heck out of it and chopped off 4 inches, sanded it and put it back on. Then it proceeded to rain since the weekend and I have been out of town for work. Finally got home tonight and had a chance to go for a rip. Wow what a difference, with it at its lowest position the wind is blowin in my face again! I can't say for sure as it was a very still night out but the bike seemed a little less apt to move around in the lane. With it raised all the way up the Spyder returns itself to the land of refinement but again it seemed to be less affected by the struggle to push itself through the air in front of it?

Now I know this modification may not be for everyone, but if you want to bring the elements a little more "in front of your face" lop about 4 inches off and giver a go! Added bonus my new helmet that I got throwin in the deal had bug guts squished all over the peak of it...................sweet