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  1. #1

    MOgang Member & Monster Member

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    Default SteveMac's Wisconsin Trip

    This past week, I had a business meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday in Milwaukee (well Brookfield to be exact) but I digress. So, I posted in the Wisconsin forum to try to hook up with some of the Wisconsin folks at the Quaker Steak and Lube in New Berlin WI, but my reputation must have preceeded me and the only reply I had was the chirping of crickets. Oh well!

    So, even if I wasn't going to get to meet up with other Spyder Ryders, I decided to take a couple of vacation days to bookend the business trip and make a nice solo rYde out of it.
    I normally make this trip once per quarter and usually drive a rental, but not this time!
    Ryde baby Ryde! Even though it wasn't really practical.

    I left home a week ago on Sunday night about 9:00 PM and rode from my hometown of Oran MO, up through Southern Illinois through Anna and picked up I57 near Vienna. I started late in the evening because I had to make sure the homestead had a freshly mown yard, so my better half wouldn't have to worry about it during the upcoming week. The deer were pretty abundant along the early part of the route through southern Illinois and even along I57. My intent was to take back roads all the way, but I wanted to get as far down the road as I could the first night, and thus the Interstate. Hadn't had a chance to eat before leaving the house, so pulled into a Sonic to grab a burger and of course had all the curious folks come over to see the RT and ask the usual questions (which I am always happy to answer!) . They told me how cool the lights looked, so I pulled over into a vacant area of the parking lot and grabbed a shot. And yes,, they do look cool if I say so myself!
    Golf Carrier 026.jpg

    So, I after leaving Sonic, I rode until I was just too tired to run any farther (wish I had the endurance of Forrest, geez-o-pete!) and I finally stopped in Effingham around 1:30 AM. Grabbed a cheap hotel and crashed until 6:00. Got up and made my way to Paxton IL to visit my Mom's oldest living sibling. My wife and I took care of my Mom for the last 10 years of her life. She passed away on Nov 19, 2009 at 11:20 AM. Ironically, this was almost to the minute, the 30th anniversary of my bad two wheeler wreck that left me with a permanent gimp leg and a year of recovery. That happend on Nov 19, 1979 at around 11:30 AM. Odd how those things happen. Anyway, the last time I saw my Aunt was at the funeral. She just had recent heart surgery and probably won't travel to see us anymore, so I stopped by to visit her and get a big kiss! The pic isn't great, but you get the idea!
    Golf Carrier 028.jpg Golf Carrier 032.jpg

    After that short stay in Paxton, it was time to hit the road and I wasn't stopping until I hit Wisconsin.
    Well, not exactly. I finally did see a Spyder. A blue RT A/C model at a Casey's General Store. I did what most Spyder Ryders do, and made a U-turn just to say HI. The folks were really nice and just out for a rYde. I asked if they visited SpyderLovers, they said "No", so I clued them in and told them that I was going on to Cherry Valley to eat at one of my favorite places. Guess what, they showed up there later and said HI back to me while we had a nice late lunch. The place I like to stop at is a really nice little place I found along this same trip several months ago. Salamones Italian Pizzaria. The food is good and I like to sit at the bar to eat and I have always found good conversation. Reminds me of Cheers on TV or something. Who can say why? Just sometimes you find those places and it clicks with you. I always stop there. I got a 12" pizza and packed the last three pieces along for a late night snack for when I arrived at the hotel later! The folks on the blue RT had never eaten there either and so I turned them on to and also Salamones. A productive day!
    Golf Carrier 034.jpg Golf Carrier 033.jpg

    While I was sitting at Salamones waiting for my food, I had sent Len from Cowtown a couple of texts, telling him about the trip and confirming that I would stop by Cowtown on my way home to get the 6000 mile service. I told him that I hadn't seen a single Spyder on the entire trip so far. Not one! Until I met the folks on the blue RT. Now I was on Illinois back roads at this time, but still I went through a lot of small towns along the way. I was definitely taking the longer route by coming through Cherry Valley, but I avoid Chicago traffic like the plague, and I was out for the rYde, not the destination.

    Oh, on the way from Paxton to Cherry Valley, I passed through Yorkville IL. Now that is a long way around and those of you familiar with the area may say "why go that way, when I could have run 51/39 up to Cherry Valley" and get there more quickly? Did I mention I was out for a long rYde? I don't know why I went that way, I just did. I was rYding along enjoying my RT time and just thinking. However, it ended up costing me a LOT more time though. There was a really BAD wreck along 47N. I sat, stopped, in traffic for 35 minutes, not moving an inch. Well, honestly did move a few times. Just often enought that I didn't shut the RT off. Finally a flatbed wrecker came by with a car smashed and burned up to the firewall. The RT didn't get too hot while sitting there, even though the ambient was over 90 degrees. I sat there as long as I could, then swung around and went back to a little place I saw a few miles back. Speaking with a lady there, she said traffic had been backed up for over an hour as far as the eye could see. I sat there for an additional 30 minutes before it started flowing, so total highway shut down for almost two hours. Not sure what happend, but if there were survivors, they were in bad shape.

    More to come.
    Last edited by SteveMac; 08-22-2011 at 06:55 AM.

  2. #2

    MOgang Member & Monster Member

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    So finally at about 8:30PM on a day that started at 6:00AM, I saw a very welcoming sign.
    Golf Carrier 036.jpg

    On the way to Brookfield, I managed to find my way up through Lake Geneva. I wasn't even aware that I would be going through there. WOW what a nice surprise near the end of the day!!

    If you have never been to this area and get a chance to, I recommend it. Absolutely beautiful.
    Golf Carrier 037.jpgGolf Carrier 038.jpgGolf Carrier 039.jpg

    Finally arrived in Brookfield Wisconsin later that night. Not sure, sometime around 10:00 PM. For a day that started out that early in the morning, I was still feeling pretty good. Frequent stops and a nice little visit with my aunt, food at Salamones, and new Spyder friends, made for a great day.

    Checked in at the Brookfield Suites for a much needed shower and some rest.

    More to come.

  3. #3

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    Default Tuesday rolls around and work takes over.

    I won't bore you with details of the meetings. Two full days worth.

    However, on Tuesday evening, the vendor with which I was meeting took about 20 of us out to a Brewers game. Now being a Cardinals fan in a season where the Brewers are putting a beat down on my Cards,,,, well there was free food and drinks and transportation back to the hotel. I will say this, Miller Park where the Brewers play is a really cool park to see a game in. The digital screens they have there are incredible. Sadly, I didn't get any pics. I was too busy visiting, eating and partaking of adult beverages.

    Wednesday morning rolls around and we meet throughout the day. As with most of these types of things, they get you out a bit early on the last day, so I jumped on the RT and went out to see what the area had to offer. My intent had been to meet up with some Wisconsin Spyder Ryders at the Quaker Steak and Lube in New Berlin WI, which is just about 4-5 miles south of Brookfield where I was staying. But I wasn't able to make that happen, so I just explored. I ended up rYding through the little town of Waukeesha WI, and the downtown area was pretty cool. Lots of old buildings to see. As I was rYding through, I saw a little Gelato Cafe. Now you have to understand it is physically impossible for a MoGang member to pass by an ice cream shoppe on a rYde. It is kind of a mandatory thing. Can I get an AMEN from the MoGang members out there? So true to my MoGang friends, I stopped and took this photo to share with them. Kudos to Divino Gelato Cafe. The Berry Blast and Espresso hit the spot.
    Golf Carrier 040.jpgGolf Carrier 041.jpg

    So after my little wandering about the Wisconsin countryside, I made it back to my hotel and visited a neighboring Sushi Bar, to indulge SteveMac Style. I had the Spicy Mango Salmon Rolls and some Japanese Ale. Very tasty. Then I made my way back to a sports bar attached to my hotel, (no rYding here folks, so don't worry) and sat on the patio until late in the evening watching the Brewers game and listening to all those happy fans. I finally had to tell them I was from south of St Louis, just so I could get a razz out of them. Good times, even though Miller Lite was about all you could get!
    Golf Carrier 042.jpgGolf Carrier 044.jpgGolf Carrier 045.jpg

    So, this is how I spent my last night in Wisconsin.

    Thursday, I begin the rYde home. And of course, I am taking the LONG way, this time heading to Cuba which is about 3 hours west of my home, but I can't make this trip without heading to Cowtown!

    More to come.
    Last edited by SteveMac; 08-22-2011 at 06:59 AM.

  4. #4

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    Default The Long Way Home

    As the group SuperTramp sang, I took the "long way home" beginning on Thursday morning. I left Brookfield heading south and westward taking nice little backroads, but I was tired and had a momentary lapse of judgement. I was hoping to cram a few more things into my trip home, but I forgot that I was there for the rYde and that I wanted to avoid heavy traffic. So what did I do? Somewhere on a backroad near Algonquin, I mapped the GPS for fastest route to my next stop.
    Big mistake. I ended up on 294 heading towards 55 south, skirting O'hare. YIKES . You may have read earlier that I avoid Chicago traffic like the plague and that is when I am in a car! So here I am on the RT and my very enjoyable trip has just gotten very tense. I am up to my ears in 18 wheelers, and I am hitting the toll booths along 294 and now I am just trying to get onto 55 south as quickly as possible to get as far away from this bumper to bumper traffic as quickly as I can. I am running along looking a few feet to both the left and right and I have trailer-truck tires humming along next to me. Can't speed up, we are already running well over 70 mph, and I have another 18 wheeler in front of me. Can't slow down, or the 18 wheeler behind me will just run me over.

    One word comes to mind WOOEY (a Southeast Missouri phrase)

    I don't recall just how far I stayed on 55, but I ran the RT hard. Much harder than I normally do. I decided that I was in it now, and to just run hard until I needed fuel. Finally, getting low on fuel, somewhere near Joliet maybe ? I decided to hit the nearest exit and sat there having a banana and a water. They say bananas relieve cramps and every muscle in my body was tense and ready to cramp at this point!

    Luckily I lived to re-learn a valuable lesson.
    Avoid Chicago traffic like the plague.
    (especially true when on the RT)

    More to come.
    Last edited by SteveMac; 08-22-2011 at 01:05 AM.

  5. #5

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    Default Destination Springfield IL

    After my harrowing experience with traffic around O'hare Airport, I was determined to stay on backroads to my next stop Springfield IL. And so I did. This route took me through the town of Morris IL, just south of Joliet. I was ready to stop somewhere. Anywhere and grab a bite to eat. I wanted to find a place that wasn't the typical fast food chain or franchise that I have been to a thousand times.

    I needed a long break, to have an adult beverage and sit there until I was ready to rYde on.

    So I found a place called Turtles Tap in Morris, IL. And this place was definitely not anything like what I had been to before. I sat down ordered a beverage and looked at the menu. I should say, I tried to look at the menu. This place was just too interesting to focus on anything else but the interior decor! Still, I found time to order a nice farm boy meal. Steak and Taters. Nothing fancy, but MMMM. Good.
    Golf Carrier 050.jpg

    After eating and consuming my adult beverage, I asked the waitress for a coffee and told her I was going to sit there for a while to rest in the cool and scour my Rand McNally atlas to make sure I had no more faux pas on my route. Not sure how long I was there, but well over an hour. Took a few pics to show you what the dining area looked like.
    Golf Carrier 048.jpgGolf Carrier 049.jpg

    Finally ready to leave I decided to visit the facilities and this awaited me...Holy Cow!
    This place was definitely not McDonalds! Thank goodness.
    Golf Carrier 047.jpgGolf Carrier 046.jpg

    I had a good chuckle out of that, and suddenly all the tension of the Chicago incident was gone.
    I saddled up and headed back out on the backroads to Springfield IL.

    More to come.
    Last edited by SteveMac; 08-22-2011 at 01:08 AM.

  6. #6

    MOgang Member & Monster Member

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    Default Springfield IL and some GOLF. Yes golf.

    Some of you more observant folks may have noticed a strange device hanging off the back of my hitch on the RT. Yes, those are golf clubs. There is a course in Springfield IL, called "The Rail" that I like to play. So I got up bright and early and hit the links for nine holes before making my way on to Cowtown to get an oil change, and an unexpected expense. More on that later.

    Back to the story. I built this golf bag carrier. It is my "beta version" so to speak, so I haven't put it in my MODS post. Mainly because it isn't exactly what I want yet. It is very close though. I like the way the carrier is low and horizontal. I think much more stable than having it mounted vertically. I also like having the additional LED lights on it. It is 48" wide, so it is sufficiently narrower than the front wheels. Obviously, I can carry a golf bag, but it also accommodates two duffles nicely, and I don't have to pull a trailer. It is very easy to mount onto the hitch. Basically, it is almost perfect, but one problem. It is about 8 pounds too heavy when fully loaded. It comes in at 47-48 pounds and that exceeds the hitch rating. 8 pounds doesn't sound like much I know, and I am certain that some tolerance is built into that hitch rating, but I don't think I have 20% tolerance for overweight. Still, I tested thoroughly at home before my trip and decided to try it. If I ran into problems, I was just going to have to come up with a solution on the fly. Thankfully, it tracked along behind me just fine and I never even knew it was back there. In the back of my mind, I did think about the extra weight, and my intent is to build an aluminum mounting bracket to replace the steel one that I built here. That should get me well under the 40 pound limit and then I will be very happy with it. I'll probably end up posting some specs on this beta version in my MODS post, but I am definitely going to have a Version 2.0 soon. Anyway here are a few pics for you to peek at. It is nice for those trips when my wife and I each want a bag, but want to keep the frunk open for shopping.

    Golf Carrier 029.jpgGolf Carrier 020.jpgGolf Carrier 022.jpgGolf Carrier 023.jpg

    So I finished my nine holes of golf. Bogey golf as usual. And then I made my way to Cowtown for an oil change and as mentioned an unexpected expense.

    More to come.
    Last edited by SteveMac; 08-22-2011 at 01:09 AM.

  7. #7
    Very Active Member ARtraveler's Avatar
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    Great story about your trip. Can't wait to hear the rest.
    2020 F3L , Magma Red

  8. #8
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    Thumbs up

    Love the Turtel taps!!! Sounds like you had a great time. Talked with you about it some in Poplar Bluff but this is getting it straight away!!! Wow. Know what ya mean about that Chicago traffic. I went around it by going on 43 then south,. I don't like paying toll roads. Was grrrreat talking to you and your wife. Enjoyed the "purple Cow" that was lavender!!!

  9. #9

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    Default Darn that Len

    I left Illinois, pondering on how Odd the trees looked up there.
    Golf Carrier 052.jpg

    And I made my way to Cowtown.

    So,,, I get to Cowtown for my 6000 mile service. Dan and the crew are working on the RT while I sit in the waiting area visiting with Len between customers. As usual, Len has several projects he is working on. I am sworn to secrecy, so you will just have to wait for Len to fill you in.

    But while there, he has me rYde one of his demo Spyders. It is an SE5 and mine is an SM5, so I get the scoop on how that all works. I take this RT out for a rYde and it is pretty cool. I am thinking that the SE5 would be great in traffic, I would never have to bring my feet off of the highway pegs,, etc.

    See where this is going????????

    Guess again. No, I didn't trade my RT in. It runs too darn good. Sewing machine smooth in fact.

    Actually what happened was that this demo RT had a Two Brothers exhaust on it. I got to hear an RT with this exhaust when I rode behind John, a fellow MoGang member the day he picked up his new Performance RT, but rYding behind one and then rYding ON one was two different matters. I loved the sound. Len was smart though. He only had a couple of gallons of gas in that demo, so I couldn't go too far. Just far enough to decide I liked what I heard and so,,,, I trudged my way back to Dan's area and asked if he would have time to put on one. He just smiled and said "Oh yes we do"!

    So now I am the proud owner of an RT with a pretty cool sounding and very cool looking Two Bros Exhaust.

    Golf Carrier 058.jpgGolf Carrier 059.jpg

    Having now spent my allowance for the next few months, I am going home to see if I can convince my wife that I really "needed" the modification. We will see.

    With that, my tale is ended. If you were patient enough to read it all,,, well get a life!

    Just kidding. I had a really great time. It is fun to rYde with a group, but sometimes it is an absolute blast to just go on a solo trip like this. I hope I got to share a little bit of that with you all.

    I rolled happily along on the final road home. Safe and sound!
    Golf Carrier 055.jpg

    NO. No more to come. Honestly. Stop now, there isn't any more.
    Until next time.........
    Last edited by SteveMac; 08-22-2011 at 10:23 AM.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThreeFeet View Post
    Love the Turtel taps!!! Sounds like you had a great time. Talked with you about it some in Poplar Bluff but this is getting it straight away!!! Wow. Know what ya mean about that Chicago traffic. I went around it by going on 43 then south,. I don't like paying toll roads. Was grrrreat talking to you and your wife. Enjoyed the "purple Cow" that was lavender!!!

    Hey Sharon!
    Yep Poplar Bluff was the very next day. My butt was sore, but no way I was going to miss out on meeting Faran and her crew. It was only an hour or so from my house. Super glad you could make it. People will just have to wonder about those Purple Cows and how TASTY they were! I love those places that you don't see just on every corner.
    Last edited by SteveMac; 08-22-2011 at 01:09 AM.

  11. #11
    MOgang Member GloryRyders's Avatar
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    Hey Steve................sounds like a good trip except for the accident and Chicago part. I know what you mean about getting expensive at Cowtown Linda and I went in to look into a different backrest and came out with the new RT Limited, and I can even blame Len since he was still at Sturgis. I do blame Rick and Dan though.

    Spyder: 2011 RT Limited w/ RT-622 trailer
    Mods: ESI Brightsides, RT Rear Brightsides, HMT Brake Light, Scuff Guards, Utopia Backrest, Chrome, and more Chrome, Pearl White Rear View Mirrors, Rear Fender, and Dashboard, Black Rear Wheel and Belt Assy, SpyderPops Heat Shields & Bump Skid, Elka Stage 1+ Shocks, 2012 SF Graphics, Silver Carbonfiber Dash, Corbin Arm Rests, Baker A.W., BRP Vented WindShield. BR's Sway Bar, Tricled White Halo Lights, BadBoy Air Horn, Spyder Legs Floor Boards

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    Quote Originally Posted by GloryRyders View Post
    Hey Steve................sounds like a good trip except for the accident and Chicago part. I know what you mean about getting expensive at Cowtown Linda and I went in to look into a different backrest and came out with the new RT Limited, and I can even blame Len since he was still at Sturgis. I do blame Rick and Dan though.
    And I had gotten used to seeing that red RS in front of me for many miles. I'll just have to adjust to the white now! Congrats tho, that is a beautiful rYde. Has Linda taken a liking to it yet?

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    Good write-up. Sounds like a nice trip!

  14. #14
    Very Active Member tofriendscreek's Avatar
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    Glad you had fun. You cruised within 35 miles of my house up and 40 going south; when in Algonquin you were just a few miles from my daughter's and Chicago traffic isn't that bad. I do it 12 - 15 times a year. It's like ryding the , you don't hang on with a death grip, you just go with the flow. Besides, where else can you ryde at 15 - 20 or more MPH over the speed limit and not have to worry about getting a ticket? if you don't keep up you will get run over. See ya soon.
    2022 Plasma Red, F3 Limited, Special Series

  15. #15
    MOgang Member GloryRyders's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveMac View Post
    And I had gotten used to seeing that red RS in front of me for many miles. I'll just have to adjust to the white now! Congrats tho, that is a beautiful rYde. Has Linda taken a liking to it yet?
    She loves the comfort and the ryde................anyway, she was on board with spending the money before I was. Again, I can blame Rick and Dan.

    Spyder: 2011 RT Limited w/ RT-622 trailer
    Mods: ESI Brightsides, RT Rear Brightsides, HMT Brake Light, Scuff Guards, Utopia Backrest, Chrome, and more Chrome, Pearl White Rear View Mirrors, Rear Fender, and Dashboard, Black Rear Wheel and Belt Assy, SpyderPops Heat Shields & Bump Skid, Elka Stage 1+ Shocks, 2012 SF Graphics, Silver Carbonfiber Dash, Corbin Arm Rests, Baker A.W., BRP Vented WindShield. BR's Sway Bar, Tricled White Halo Lights, BadBoy Air Horn, Spyder Legs Floor Boards

  16. #16
    GOS member (Girls On Spyders) Explorer53525's Avatar
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    Great writeup Steve. Sorry we couldn't connect at the Quaker Steak, but we were on vacation away from the area. Got some good riding in on the west central side of Wisconsin. Please let us know if you are ever up this way again.
    Greta Guth

  17. #17

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    Sounds good. I was hoping to meet some of you folks, but it just didn't work out. Maybe next year, I'll rYde the RT up again. Never know!
    Until then there is always SpyderFest and everyone is welcome!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer53525 View Post
    Great writeup Steve. Sorry we couldn't connect at the Quaker Steak, but we were on vacation away from the area. Got some good riding in on the west central side of Wisconsin. Please let us know if you are ever up this way again.

  18. #18

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    LOL! Maybe not bad traffic for you, but this small town boy was not comfortable at all!!
    And yes, I did put the hammer down all the way to Joliet. I didn't care one whit about a ticket!

    Quote Originally Posted by tofriendscreek View Post
    Glad you had fun. You cruised within 35 miles of my house up and 40 going south; when in Algonquin you were just a few miles from my daughter's and Chicago traffic isn't that bad. I do it 12 - 15 times a year. It's like ryding the , you don't hang on with a death grip, you just go with the flow. Besides, where else can you ryde at 15 - 20 or more MPH over the speed limit and not have to worry about getting a ticket? if you don't keep up you will get run over. See ya soon.

  19. #19
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    I enjoyed reading about your trip, thanks for sharing. See ya in a few days Bill

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveMac View Post
    Sounds good. I was hoping to meet some of you folks, but it just didn't work out. Maybe next year, I'll rYde the RT up again. Never know!
    Until then there is always SpyderFest and everyone is welcome!!!
    I would have liked to meet up with you when you were in the area . I was working outside DC last week. My wife and I spent this past Friday in Lake Geneva and got a few good rides in. Maybe next time the timing will work out better. We have a good group riding together in this area and would have liked to meet up.

  21. #21

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    Well, I will absolutely go back to Lake Geneva and take my wife. Maybe on the the RT, but either way we will take a vacation there. It was really, really nice! Sorry we missed out too, but sometimes it just doesn't work out! I come up there every quarter, but not always on the RT obviously.

    Quote Originally Posted by JJW SpyderRider View Post
    I would have liked to meet up with you when you were in the area . I was working outside DC last week. My wife and I spent this past Friday in Lake Geneva and got a few good rides in. Maybe next time the timing will work out better. We have a good group riding together in this area and would have liked to meet up.

  22. #22

    Default Steve

    Steve, Not sure how I missed this whole story great trip even better right up. Storys and pic's are great.....we/I am voting you in for the mogangs reporter for the Branson trip...what do ya say will you cover our big adventure???

  23. #23

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    LOL. Maybe bro. May be!

  24. #24
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    Default golf clubs

    like your club carrier doTE=SteveMac;364743]Some of you more observant folks may have noticed a strange device hanging off the back of my hitch on the RT. Yes, those are golf clubs. There is a course in Springfield IL, called "The Rail" that I like to play. So I got up bright and early and h you have any plans on making and selling them?it the links for nine holes before making my way on to Cowtown to get an oil change, and an unexpected expense. More on that later.

    Back to the story. I built this golf bag carrier. It is my "beta version" so to speak, so I haven't put it in my MODS post. Mainly because it isn't exactly what I want yet. It is very close though. I like the way the carrier is low and horizontal. I think much more stable than having it mounted vertically. I also like having the additional LED lights on it. It is 48" wide, so it is sufficiently narrower than the front wheels. Obviously, I can carry a golf bag, but it also accommodates two duffles nicely, and I don't have to pull a trailer. It is very easy to mount onto the hitch. Basically, it is almost perfect, but one problem. It is about 8 pounds too heavy when fully loaded. It comes in at 47-48 pounds and that exceeds the hitch rating. 8 pounds doesn't sound like much I know, and I am certain that some tolerance is built into that hitch rating, but I don't think I have 20% tolerance for overweight. Still, I tested thoroughly at home before my trip and decided to try it. If I ran into problems, I was just going to have to come up with a solution on the fly. Thankfully, it tracked along behind me just fine and I never even knew it was back there. In the back of my mind, I did think about the extra weight, and my intent is to build an aluminum mounting bracket to replace the steel one that I built here. That should get me well under the 40 pound limit and then I will be very happy with it. I'll probably end up posting some specs on this beta version in my MODS post, but I am definitely going to have a Version 2.0 soon. Anyway here are a few pics for you to peek at. It is nice for those trips when my wife and I each want a bag, but want to keep the frunk open for shopping.

    Golf Carrier 029.jpgGolf Carrier 020.jpgGolf Carrier 022.jpgGolf Carrier 023.jpg

    So I finished my nine holes of golf. Bogey golf as usual. And then I made my way to Cowtown for an oil change and as mentioned an unexpected expense.

    More to come.[/QUOTE]

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