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  1. #1
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    Default Phantom 540 - Accident - Roll over

    Phantom #540 is down

    (Ill update this post as I get more info/pictures/and somewhat recover. I've only been out of the hospital for a few hours and it's difficult to type on my iPhone)

    Around 10 AM this morning I was making the return trip back to Pennsylvania after visiting my parents in Hilton Head, SC. I decided to skip taking I-95 North and decided to take 77N through North Carolina up to 81 for the scenery. Right before Charlotte I was in the right lane going highway speeds when my back tire locked up.

    In a matter of 1 second I was confused over why I was sliding, holding on for the life of me, and trying to maintain control while the backend felt like I was riding on a sheet of ice. In about 1 second I remember the spyder was going sideways right then left and that was it. (1 second. There was no time to think about over correcting or just slide straight.. She wasn't doing that, she was all over the place fishtailing)

    Last thing I remember is being sideways and going off the spyder. I saw the back tire somehow from behind ( I was in the air?) I remember rotating around for a second a seeing a car coming at me ( I closed my eyes for a second and said this is it) and then I was out cold.

    5 seconds later ( which I guess was 10+ minutes?) this really nice lady is talking to me (paramedic). I said wow where did you guys come from and she replied they were only 3 miles down the road. I said wow, were you like following me and she said they got a call... This is when I realized I must have been out. They put me in a neck brace and loaded me on a backboard. I glanced over and saw the spyder 20 feet away? ( hard to see on your back ) it looked normal but the lady said it was a mess.

    In the ambulance the lady said I was lucky to be alive and that my gear totally saved my life. I asked her where my helmet was and how in the world did they take it off. She said when they arrived someone had already removed it (?!). I'll skip the rest of the details and get to my injuries and the gear I had.

    Full shoei rf1100 helmet with face shield down. Jeans with riding pants over them with armored knees, riding boots for a motorcycle with reinforced ankle, full gloves with protruding knuckle protectors, new heavier riding coat for fall like weather( not my summer mesh. This was new and s bit heavier). Coat was actually zipped all the way up and had shoulder and elbow protection. Ooh and I was wearing a full rain suit , lol, that really doesn't count.

    left hand- left gloved shredded in half and I received a pinky sized hole in the top of my hand. Jammed finger nail. No stitch due to hole. Has to remain open . Top of hand has road rash. not broken

    Right hand- dislocated middle finger. Quater sized road rash spot. Hand Not broken

    Left ankle- slight sprain ( can't stand on it, no swelling due to ice). Not broken

    CT Scan of my head/kneck/back are fine


    Cause: ( not really sure at this point )
    State trooper said some type of strap or something appears to have gotten locked up in the rear wheel. Maybe my top luggage came off the back seat? I dunno. Maybe I ran over a strap or something? Right now I have no idea until I see more pictures. The spyder rolled so maybe my luggage around the back was from her flipping around. ( I dunno, I was out)

    Trooper said I was lucky.
    He said I ended up on the side of the road (shoulder) and another car spun out to avoid hitting me ( woa, thank god!!) and another driver blocked the shoulder to protect me from other cars.
    He asked how fast I was going. I was actually cruising about 75ish when this happened.

    More to come
    I'll try to post pix and a news link

  2. #2
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    Cell phone pix don't do it justice. Need to get some other pix up here. I have no idea on the status of the frame. Rolling can't be good for it though :/

    Right now my guess is that maybe one of my bungies failed that held the bag on top of my seat. Or maybe one side came off and got sucked up and dragged the bag with it. My wife tried to pull my bag out of the rear wheel to retrieve items so that is why the bag appears pretty far off the back tire in the pix. But from the video and other pix the bag was pretty far in. This is only a guess. It's possible that when the bike flipped the bag got dragged off and sucked up but Im thinking the odds of that are low.

    So my final guess is the bag came off the seat and dropped down on the wheel and caused failure. I need to have the insurance people and others look at it for a final opinion.

    8/21 - Some Ficker Photos of Gear. To be honest my gear looks really good. Maybe I flopped around and stopped really quick?'

    -------------------- Day 5

    It's been awhile since I posted so I owe you guys an update.

    If you're up for some semi-nasty photos of my hand 1-2 days after the accident there are here:
    [WARNING: Pictures of road rash on my hand]
    Day2: (1).JPG
    Day2: (2).jpg
    Day3: (hand is doing well) (3).jpg

    *I went to a specialist yesterday and today for my hands.
    My left hand (road rash hand) is doing really well with no signs of infection. They confirmed to keep washing it and keep my hand and fingers moving while the skin grows.

    *My right hand middle finger has a condition known as boutonniere finger.
    They put a little half stint on my finger so I can keep the end of my finger moving so the ligament heals up okay.
    If I dont keep it moving I will end up with a crooked finger at the end.
    If you're bored you could check this link for a picture of what happens. :

    * They are very very happy with the progress I'm making. Me too

    * Insurance will inspect my vehicle tomorrow in North Carolina (I'm not holding my breath with the hurricane that is coming. I think they have bigger issues to worry about than inspect my Spyder. But this is what the lady is telling me)

    * Confirmed I did purchase GAP insurance. So if this is a total loss I will at least have a bit of extra coverage

    * I have Rider insurance and they say my policy will cover gear that was involved in the accident.
    They asked if I have receipts for my gear purchases (which I do not have) except for my heavier coat and full rain-suit which I happened to purchase before the trip. I'm going to see if I can pull a receipt from my dealer for the helmet I purchased awhile back. I'm not worried about the receipts for the gear at this point. I'm pretty sure they will cover everything to a certain extent. This is a different claim from the Spyder so we are going to work on this 2nd. I'm just gathering up information.

    * Like any accident the only thing I have been dealing with is just being sore.
    - headaches, dizzy, feeling sick to my stomach. I believe that is from the concussion (and the meds I'm on for pain)
    - Wrapped up my ankle so that is fine walking on. Sprained ankle is easy.
    - My hands are just black and blue all over. Very swollen even after days of ice.
    - Pretty much all my muscles are sore which is to be expected. Left leg, stomach muscle, my neck (pretty sure I have whiplash)

    You know I'm doing really reall well.

    Emotional Status:

    - I've gone from crying when I saw my wife, daughter, and parents.
    - Being angry that I rolled my Spyder over a stupid $50 duffle bag!!
    - Sad that I caused someone else to spin out on the highway, shutdown the highway, had to have my family drive up 5 hours to see me, caused all this drama and inconvience for everyone
    - Happy / Excited to be alive
    - Shocked / stunned over what happened. Still can't believe this happened.
    - A bit nervous - what if I lose my hand to infection?
    - tired and stressed from waking up every 4 hours for meds. Having to deal with insurance.

    - Jinxed. Everyone that I know (everyone) told me don't get a motorcyle, you'll crash, you're crazy, dont do it, its not worth it. I feel like I was setup or something and it finally happened. ugh..

    FUNNY/ Not so Funny!!!
    Emotional Family Status!!
    - Wife is just burned out after having to receive that call from the ambulance and drive 5 hours + to see me.
    During that time I had no phone or way to talk to her so for 5 + hours she was stressed out not knowing what was going on. Did I mention it was PMS week.. yah.. it was bad!!!

    - Because my wife had the car packed for her return trip home she only had room for herself and 2 kids (my daughter and niece). My parents wanted to see me so they took two cars. On the way up my parents car had service engine now problems (hesitation, engine issues, etc) and they had to pull off to a Toyota dealer on the way and get a loaner car.
    Wife's patience is running out as she wants to see me and my father is arguing with the dealership over a loaner vs rental. heheh

    - My parents due to various medical issues they have .. had to stop off at like every rest stop along the way to pee. You can see how a 4 hour trip can become 5+ hours easy. My wife thought she'd never get to see me.

    - My mom drove my wife and her semi-new car (6 months old) up to the hospital. My wife heather hasn't had a new car in many years. My mom goes to park, forgets to shift into park and lets her car slide into a light pole in the parking spot. Go figure!! haahha (okay not funny.. but I mean.. its kinda funny. Because when it rains.. it pours) So now we have a nice dent in her bumber to deal with.

    - Interesting conversation with a RN in the hospital springs a question " Do you think you will ride again.. "
    This sparks an interesting converstation with the wife which results in a "No" followed by " We will have this conversation at a later date" (oooh man!!! ) Yeah.. there was a few "I just almost lost my husband.. Avery needs a father.. " lines thrown in there. Yah.. this should be a fun topic to visit in a month. I'LL START A NEW FORUM POST ON THIS WHEN THE TIME COMES!!! hahaha

    - My vacation / trip to Hilton Head was started by my work giving me a week of "Furlough". So the stress of not getting paid for this trip was already on our shoulders. After blowing 2 weeks of Marriot reward points to keep my Mother in a
    hotel room in Charleston because my father was in the hospital up there for heart issues.. we had finally saved up enough points to earn us a few days in Niagra Falls where we could relax and do a late 40th birthday for the wife.

    - My silly accident just cost us 2 rooms for 2 days in lovely Charlotte. So the wife wasn't happy we just lost our little mini vacation/birthday for her in Niagra. Though she said that wasnt important, she was just happy I was alive and realized how much she loved me by almost losing me. (aww) (Well about damn time she realized how awesome I was.. okay.. just kidding..hehehe)

    - So in the middle of all this my neighbor calls us to tell us one of our dogs (Mr Boots O'malley) couldn't walk. She was watching him and he appeared to be in pain one day. She brought him to the emergency room for us. Long story short.. he got slip disc or something and the bill would eventually come out to just under $800. We love Mr Boots but man.. does he really need to get disc issues like RIght now!!!

    BTW: I got a concussion and flew off my Spyder at highspeed and was released after 5 hours. Mr Boots.. he got 3 days in the hospital with hourly checkups. To be honest I think he got better care than me!!! I think he even got the same CT scans and everything I did. what the!!

    - 2 Days sitting around in the hotel room resting up and somehow my mother lost her NOOK reader, kids were bored, hotel internet was slow, and my niece misplaced her camera.

    and to top it off:

    2 days before the accident I had ordered a Yoshi Pipe for the Spyder, O2 eliminator kit, and a set of new front tires, and a new replacement HID light for one of my fogs. And I had just completed putting on Amber Blinkers near my mirrors to let me know when the directionals were on. I mean.. I was just about to finish my Spyder up. ugh!!


    I'M ALIVE!!

    So I can laugh at the above because I'm alive. I love you Shoei helmet for saving my ass! I love you car drivers for not running me over! All that BS above means nothing because I'm alive

    I think I may go have a glass of wine with my pain meds hehehe
    I'll keep you guys updated!


    Insurance called and the Spyder is confirmed a "Total" loss.
    Rest in Peace Phantom 540. I'll miss you
    Last edited by Motavar; 08-26-2011 at 02:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Motorbike Professor
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    Glad you survived that one. Wow! Heal fast.

  4. #4
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    WOW glad to hear you are OK someone was looking over you for sure. After watching the video and see what the spyder looks like.

  5. #5
    Very Active Member coz's Avatar
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    Default wow

    glad to hear you're going to be o k . that had to be scary as hell.
    it was fun while it lasted.

  6. #6
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    The point of my posting is to let you guys know it's okay to wear full gear. Even if your family and friends make fun of you. Even if you ride a spyder which is a bit safer than a bike at times. Even if people tell you it's too hot outside for gear or you're taking a trip around the corner.

    My full gear saved my life. I can kiss my wife and 7 year old daughter tonight because of my gear.

    Anyway.. Let me get some pix up here asap. This thread is no fun without pix

  7. #7
    Very Active Member cyclelover63's Avatar
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    Thanks for your story,and I am glad you are going to be ok...Its one thing if a guy could come with something he did wrong,but when something like this happens,i think it means the man upstairs has bigger and better things meant for an RT maybe???????????...seriously,get well quick!!

  8. #8
    Active Member RodO's Avatar
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    Really glad to hear that you're OK, and you are 100% right about the gear!

    Heal fast,

    Quote Originally Posted by Motavar View Post
    The point of my posting is to let you guys know it's okay to wear full gear. Even if your family and friends make fun of you. Even if you ride a spyder which is a bit safer than a bike at times. Even if people tell you it's too hot outside for gear or you're taking a trip around the corner.

    My full gear saved my life. I can kiss my wife and 7 year old daughter tonight because of my gear.

    Anyway.. Let me get some pix up here asap. This thread is no fun without pix

    Ryde safe,

    '08 GS SM5 Full Moon -- after 15,000km sold May'11
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    "I guess its better to bend a valve in Missoula than to lose your mind in Bozeman", my wife said, patting my hand as if to console me. I winced and wondered if Phaedrus ever took the bus." -Peter Egan, Leanings

    CanAm Highway goes from Texas along U.S. Route 85 and Interstate 25 into Saskatchewan, Canada.<>

  9. #9
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    Wow, glad to hear you're alive, that sounds like it was terrifying.

    I'm ATGATT myself, good to know it's worth it.

    If I may ask-- when you get around to taking photos, can you maybe take a photo of your gear? Always good to see what happened to them, and how it held up.

    (BTW, your gloves, you said you had knuckle protectors... I'm assuming you had those plastic or carbon fiber jobs? How did those hold up? I've heard great things about those when they work, and then I've heard horror stories about them when they fail-- the carbon fiber ones allegedly can splinter under stress, basically turns into shrapnel for your hands).

    Lastly: obviously, when you hear what happened, if you ever hear, I'm sure we all would like to know if it was an accident, or a failure.

    Rest up, heal up, and play the Lotto this week, you might have some of that luck still hanging around.

  10. #10
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    Default First Things First

    Glad you amde it with only minor injuries ... and glad you are on the positive side of the statistical data ... Kudos to you for wearing gear that saved your life ....God Speed a quick recovery and kiss your wife and daughter ..... Thanks for the post

  11. #11
    RT-S PE#0031
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    Giving thanks to God for His mercies on you today!

  12. #12
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    damn, glad your ok. I wonder what would lock the rear up like that.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Motavar View Post

    ( didn't watch video yet, waiting for a laptop to view it on )
    Glad you were able to get away with only minor injuries. Also, since you have not seen the video, your belt was still on the spyder. So it was not belt failure.
    Is it Friday yet? ... Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm retired

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkLawson View Post
    Giving thanks to God for His mercies on you today!
    Ditto...thank God! Get better bro!

  15. #15
    GOS Founding Member (Girls On Spyders)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Motavar View Post
    The point of my posting is to let you guys know it's okay to wear full gear. Even if your family and friends make fun of you. Even if you ride a spyder which is a bit safer than a bike at times. Even if people tell you it's too hot outside for gear or you're taking a trip around the corner.

    My full gear saved my life. I can kiss my wife and 7 year old daughter tonight because of my gear.
    Glad to know you will be healing good!! It could have been worse. Thanks a lot for sharing and I totally agree on the geat!!

  16. #16
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    Glad you are ok!! Heal soon and get back soon to rYde!

  17. #17
    Very Active Member Big Arm's Avatar
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    Wow !!!! You are one lucky dude !!!! Thanks for posting and I want to wish you the best on your recovery. Looks like maybe a bag or something is jamed in between the wheel and the under-pan ???

    ....and we're gonna ride, we're gonna ride.....

    ride like the one-eyed Jack of Diamonds, with
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  18. #18
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    looking at the vid, the belt appears to be there.

  19. #19
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    Good to see your okay. Looks like some of your saddlebag is wrapped under your tire, but that could be an after effect. Reminds me of having shoe strings wrap around bicycle pedals, that was never fun. I wonder if a saddlebag tiedown strap got snagged in front or rear pulley and pulled the bag into the divetrain.
    2009 GS SM5 , Red/Black

  20. #20
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    wow, glad your ok....and you hit a nerve with the kids laugh all the time with power ranger jokes and sometimes i wonder "do i need it". Well, you never know and thankfully you were wearing it.

    Get well soon!

    After seeing the pictures of your helmet, you were smart in wearing a full face helmet. That drives home a strong point in what is a fluke accident.
    Last edited by spyder3; 08-22-2011 at 10:38 AM.
    Rewaco RF-1 GT

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    Front suspension: Trapezoidal fork with center spring
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  21. #21
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    Thumbs up

    So thankful to hear you're still here to tell us about your ryding adventure today .
    Wow!! and thanks for giving us the details and pics. ATGATT indeed! You just never know how many lives you may influence by sharing your experience.

    Hope you heal quickly.

  22. #22
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    Glad to hear you came through with only minor injuries.

    (You weren't kidding when you said you wanted to leave a mark down
    South from the North East).

  23. #23
    Very Active Member ARtraveler's Avatar
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    Glad to hear you got through that all right. Someone was surely watching out for you.

    ATGATT was a lifesaver here. Very scarry pictures of the wrecked Spyder.

    Let us know if you find out the cause for the problem.
    2020 F3L , Magma Red

  24. #24
    MOgang Member Mo Lee's Avatar
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    Glad you are somewhat Ok I'm sure you will be sore for a few days. Looking at you 1st picture I tend to agree with you, Kinda looks like your bag got pulled in between the fender and tire judging by the way the fender appears to be pulled around and up. Keep us posted on what the experts find.
    Happy Owner

  25. #25
    MOgang Member GloryRyders's Avatar
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    God was watching over you yesterday and it wasn't your day to go...................take care of yourself and heal quickly. Keep us posted on the results and reasons why!

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