Thanks for your educational info! OK....Like I sad b/4...All the numbers you posted in the first response were what I got. Only different number was it was 14.1 at aprox. 4000 rpm. SO...It was just right by your numbers. My tender is the newest tec. I got the best one made. AND...They did test the battery under load at advance. They could not find the can am on their teter....SO They used a honda with a 1000 cc engine setting. I am very aware that their reading coulda been wrong. I tested it myself with a simple meter. I always carry a lithium jumper with me. Im thinkin I might have a loose connection somewhere or a rely issue? Its done that blue screen thing off n on for years. Only reason I had it tested was because it was doin it every time I started it. Time will tell....I got the stator in my cart at ebay just in case. TY VERY MUCH Dude You are educational for sure!