Fearless, if a roadworthy inspector knocks back your aftermarket car tyres (and they would have to be absolutely anal to do so), then you have no choice other than to go back to Kenda or find another inspector.

The big question is whether you are happy in your own mind that your insurance company MAY try to knock back a big insurance claim like lifetime medical assistance for you or someone you hit. That is most unlikely unless the aftermarket tyre can actually be proved to be the direct cause of the accident, so I have no issue running aftermarket, but everyone is different.

Forget about arguing with the guy in Melbourne. It will be part of your life you will never get back. He is one of those “anals” I mentioned earlier, who will not accept ANY viewpoint that differs from his own, regardless of any alternate facts. It doesn’t matter what your argument is, he will refute it. Just make your own call
