Some may know of my love ryding my 2014 RT-S, it's been my life for the last 3 years
and 358 days. While ryding in the rain on May 30 I spotted a water puddle just ahead.
I've ridden over puddles before and never felt hydroplaning. I passed over this one and
went into an uncontrollable spin at 65 mph. My bike spit me off. I recall hitting the asphalt
and contorting in a way the human body isn't supposed to. I was awake during this whole
episode. Quickly I was assisted by several passersby. I tried to stand up to no avail.
I was able to sit up, and a mere 50 feet away was my Pearl White RT-S, sitting straight up
and idling, seemingly mocking me. No damage, none.
I won't go onto my injuries, suffice to say I am still breathing. Will be homebound for months.
So Spyderlovers, after 157,428 miles it pains me to say, I've had enough.
People who know me think I'll be back. I know I'll try. just can'e see it.
Been ryding since I was 11 years old. Ridden 25 different motorcycles and by my calculations
covered well over 1.2 million miles. It's been fun. This Spyder was the most fun of any cycle I've
ever ridden.
I'll check into from time to time, maybe.
Buckeye Chuck 54