I'm not ignoring this to my peril. What is the type of failure related to too much time at low revs? I am reading anecdotal evidence not proper science. I do realise this topic has been discussed from the moon and back, but I cannot find say e.g. this 998 has spent 80% of its time at 2000rpm, 5% at 3000, 5% at 4000 .....and it's crankshaft is bent, the piston have melted.....etc.; as opposed to this engine has spent 80% at 5000 rpms.....etc and the engine is glowing with health.(or whatever happens). Data?

As far as the relationship to aircraft motors, is this engine used in any aircraft, and if so at what revs does it cruise on? I suspect not and even less so at peak HP at what...8000rpm?.

My experience in aviation is that engines are run at very low outputs to what the engine could be hotted up to do. Continental and Lycomming motors in Cessnas run at 2700 rpm. Now I do realise that Rotax do cruise higher RPMs than that; but the point is less rpms means less stress means reliability.

I am not arguing that the 998 was designed to rev high to get max power but about it's longevity if run this high, and what doesn't fail that claims to fail if running at lower revs. What wears out prematurely? Data please.