Quote Originally Posted by msrider View Post
I ride a 2012 RT Limited with a ISCI hand brake. I have multiple sclerosis and have lost almost all control of my right leg and wear a KAFO (long leg brace). It would be impossible for me to operate a right foot brake. I have used the ISCI for over 2 yrs, but have almost crashed by not being able to stop fast enough. The problem is most noticeable when I have the additional weight of a passenger or my RT-622 trailer. I use the ISCI, downshifting, and common sense to manage most braking needs -- but I still worry about an emergency braking situation.

My right hand and arm have lost function/strength which has increased my concern. I have been considering a left foot brake conversion, but i just found this "brake - assist" device:

Has anyone ever tried it? I think they only sell mounts for a goldwing but I am sure it could be adapted to work on a spyder.


Does anyone know of a good left foot brake conversion?

My wife had a similar problem with her RT when she added the ISCI hand brake. Her right arm has nerve damage and she did not have enough strength to operate the hand brake safely. We visited the guys at ISCI in Montgomery AL where they engineered a left side hand brake using a Harley Davidson clutch cylinder for that side. That may solve your problem.