Anyone else ever have this problem? There seems to be a cylinoid or something that is sticking that unless I kind of pop my foot off the brake the brake light stays on which has killed my battery 3 times and effects the cruise control because the spyder thinks the brake is being applied,, plus the danger of driving around with the brake light on and other drivers not being able to tell when I apply the brake, and the nuisance of checking to see if the light is off every time I stop. I have applied some grease and it did not help. I called the dealer(its still under warrenty) And they said that the cylinoid or whatever it is called is air activated. The dealer is about 2 to 3 days behind on work because its their busy season. With the dealer being an hour away and having to leave it there for probably at least a week if it is something I can adjust or fix myself I would rather do that. Any suggestions?