Got to test out a F3 today on the frontage road at Velocity Power Sports. Didn't take it on the road - didn't have my helmet or gloves and it's cold and rainy. I fit quite nicely on the bike the way it was set up. Very comfortable seating - almost felt I could ride all day on it and not be hurting too badly. Would probably need a back rest if I was interested in getting 1. Also lower then my RT. I could stand flat footed on the ground and swing my fat hoof over the seat without standing on the peg! Driving: IT'S A BOMB!!! Very quick and responsive on both acceleration and handling - and I was just on the pot holed frontage road doing about 50mph. If I had been on the highway I would probably have had every LEO in the surrounding counties after me!!! You could get in a big -load of trouble if you weren't paying attention to the speedo! Would love someone with a lot of nerves or cojones to take this on a drag strip to see what it could do! That would be something to see - and experience!!! Just my humble opinion on the new F3. Still think the front end looks like a lawn mower - but a really fracking fast lawn mower!!!