Quote Originally Posted by hchays View Post
I'm pretty sure I mentioned very early in my post that it is not only an RT issue..... I was speaking of the ST/RS portion of the problem when I said they relocated the cat. I think you are the one that's mis-informed if you think the designed shift point is 3,500 rpm. I have spoken to 2 different service managers and someone that is much more informed about the situation than anyone on this site and my numbers have been confirmed. If your riding and shifting at a low RPM it does not allow the evap system to operate properly thus creating issues. I in no way said that the NHTSA says it's okay to have fumes emitting from the bike, but if the rider is not riding it the way it is suppose to be ridden then yes it is partially the riders fault. With your way of thinking if a rider with a manual clutch slips the clutch everytime they shift or at every stop light they are not to be held responsible for a burnt up clutch. I also CLEARLY said that BRP has blame in this issue!!
So do not attack my post if you do not read it. It is BRP's fault for the design and that the Spyders are getting hot, but if a rider does not ride it like it is designed to be ridden then they are contributing to the issue! So stop trying to blame EVERYTHING on someone else and acknowledge that SOME people CONTRIBUTE (not the total blame) the problem.
Well I NEVER ride under 5k RPM and I have all the issues. To paint yourself as the know all be all does not impress me there are plenty of us that have as much experience and knowledge as you. There is very little blame on the riders if any. Even riding it wrong will not make it run hotter and spew more fumes. You can let it idle in the driveway and get fumes. This thread is about BRP's responsibility not who has the most knowledge. It is not a debate about what the riders do wrong. It is simply an update on what is in the works. Thanks for your input.