I have been experimenting on higher shift points on my '14 RTS. It takes a little getting used to, but I am usually shifting at around 3,500 to 4,500. This seems a little strange tooling around town 35 mph in 2nd gear, or riding in 4th at highway speeds 50-65 mph, but the machine performs better, I like to added power availability if needed, and I find I am using the brakes much less, especially on curves. Setting up for the curves it allows me to quickly back off the throttle to hit the correct speed for the curve, and then plenty of power to accelerate out of the curves. I now have over 3,000 miles on the new machine and am loving the ride. I have also noticed that the higher RPM has almost completely stopped the belt vibration that I used to feel. What do the rest of your new '14 owners shift and run your machines at?