I almost hit a big deer on Saturday. I was doing 70 down a highway and didn't see it until it was on the median at full gallop. My buddy, who was behind me. said it came down over a hill and leaped over the two oncoming lanes. It was coming right at me, so I hit my brakes and swerved right to avoid it, but it felt like a heat seeking missile. Luckily there was some grass to my right and no guard rail. As I went into the grass, it came across the front of the trike and missed me by about a foot if that. I was lucky again that the grass was level enough that it didn't dump me as I gained control and came to a stop.

Has anyone else had an experience like this or actually hit a deer? How stable is the Spyder if you hit a deer from the front or get hit from the side? I'm sure that speed comes into play, but I'm interested to know of other member's encounters.