Our new Spyder Ryding group is off and running..We had our first meeting today,February 9th,and we are off to a great start...We kicked around some ideas,talked about future rides and our plans for a possible group ride to SPYDERFEST...Our next meeting will be at HOT SHOTS in O'fallon,Il across from the O'Fallon Cinema Sunday, MARCH 2 at 2PM....Everyone is welcome and the more the merrier..So,if you couldn't make it to our first meeting,we would love to see you at our 2nd !!!!....Some of the things we will discuss are:
1) Naming our new group..All suggestions are welcome!!!.This will be a lot of fun and very interesting!!....Be creative!!!!!
2) Ride ideas....Its getting closer!!!!!!.....we already have discussed some that everyone had not been on
3) Discussing plans to get a group to ride to SYDERFEST together...If you have never been to SPYDERFEST and want more
information,we have the people in our new group to be able to give you all of the particulars..It is the BIGGEST SPYDER
gathering in the States,and is all for charity....Can't get any better than that!!!
4) Getting the word out to all Spyder Ryders that we are a group of people that love to Ryde and would love for you to join us
in having fun and meeting like minded Syderlovers.
5) Thanks to everyone my wife and I met today and we will see you on March 2nd!!!!...