I talked to Ron today and told him I got the Sway Bar in but couldn't test it because it is too hot. It is 107 today. Like Christmas I couldn't wait, just got back and I was certainly surprised. I have been hearing(or seeing) from a lot of people about what a difference the SB made. I thought maybe it was because they had RS's and some of the lower priceds that was why they were getting the results they were talking about. I have a RT S SE Limited and most of the stuff or at leased a lot of the stuff people were adding I already had. How wrong I was!!! I just put my through some real turns and took several almost 90 degree turns at 30mph. It is what it is. You will be well satisfied if you put one of Ron's anti sway bars on your regardless of what year or model you have.

One more thing when I took the SB out of the box I said, how can that little thing make all that difference it looked just like the one we took off. Can't tell a book by it's cover.

Thanks Ron for the extra sway bar. Ron sent me an extra sway bar does any one need one? Only kidding Ron send me a label and I'll mail it for you.