Quote Originally Posted by Cruzr Joe View Post
I am sorry that you had a poor experience with them, the majority of Harley Riders that i have encountered are pretty decent but their is still a large number of them out there that have the "Harley" attitude but i think they are coming around (slowly).

If i were you i would do the ride again next year and maybe get a couple of other spyders to go with you. i ride with one particular Spyder Ryder that wears the Harley guys out when they are in front of him and leaves them in the dust when they are behind him.

Cruzr Joe
I agree, right after putting on BajaRon's sway bar I went out with a few HD drivers that had a little attitude till we got to the bottom of the hill. They all mentioned a new respect for my"Zippy". Don't let it slow you down go again and again they'll start to take an interest....been there Done that,