So................I've got a couple errands to run yesterday (5/27/13); good reason to take the Spyder out for a spin. I'm buzzing down the state highway, just out side of town, doing 60ish. I see a flash of something bright and feel an immediate impact and burning sensation on my throat, and realize I've been "clothes lined" by something. I'd instantly let off the throttle, as the burning on my throat got worse, and could feel I was dragging something with me. I turned my head to the right, spotted a very long trailing "string"; grabbed at it and missed; then the thought flashed "you're slashing your throat, STOP you moron!" So, I stomped on the binders and whipped the Spyder off onto the shoulder ( glad I wasn't on either of my motorcycles when I did that). When I stopped; I turned my head to the right again, and could see white "string" strung out behind me (to my right and left) so far back it went out of sight. I grabbed it and pulled it off my throat, and over my helmet, and threw it off to the right. I didn't see a kite, but that's what it looked like, kite string (not real kite string, but the regular kind of string). It had been suspended across the highway by phone/power lines on the S side of the road and trees on the N side; drooping to neck level across the lanes. It had to have just fallen into place, as there was a car about a third of a mile ahead of me, and if the string had been there when it went would have snagged and dragged the string with it. My throat burned like ; I wiped the back of the fingers of my left glove on the area and looked at my glove for blood. YES! There wasn't any! If the string had been a little heavier (like real kite string), a little rougher, or either end of the string (100 + yards of it--guesstimate) had hung up on anything; there is a very real possibility my throat would have been slashed though to my spine, or I woulda' been decapitated. Oh yea.......................the three or four vehicles behind me? As I went wildly veering off the road, and started thrashing violently to get that bleepin' string off me, and checked to see how bad the damage was? Sailed right on by.....................didn't slow down a whit; let alone stop to see if I was OK.