Well, I bought my ST-L during the final weekend of Daytona Bike week in March. Road it straight to Daytona from the dealership that day then back home that night nearly 300 miles. I decided that the stock seat had to go because it sucks and since I have become accustomed to using seats from Ultimate Seats in Daytona on my previous bike(s). So I went up there to Daytona again and ordered my new seat and I got it a week before Spyderfest. A Hugh improvement over stock.

So far so good. It's D day and we head out for Spyderfest from South Fla. 1188 mile one way. We planned for a 2.5-3 day ride. Day2 and after hours of riding, I'm starting to feel a little crapped on the bike. Can't really seem to get comfortable. Sure it rides great and it handles good, pretty quick too but I just can't get comfortable. We get into Springfield on day 3 and I'm damn sure ready to get off the bike. We settle in to the Hotel later in the day because we had to make the rounds to Pitbull and Vendor Village, and to the Bonfire, etc. Next day we ride some more, get some stuff installed at Vendor village...... The weekend goes by and it's time to head back.

Day 1 return trip and by that afternoon, my mid back is in spasms. I fight through it and we settle in for the night. Day 2 more back spasms and a long day on this bike. Day 3 and we are almost home but I'm in a bad way. Manage to make it home and come morning, I'm stuck in bed with bad spasms. Get to the Chiropractor on Friday but not much relief. Muscle relaxers, Cold then hot packs. It's like a knife being stuck through my back by a used car salesman.

All the while on this trip, my lovely wife is completely enjoying her RT to and from Spyderfest with nary a complaint. Now mind you, she did say to me that she felt I would be better off buying an RT over the ST but who listens to their wife right? No, I want the New ST. I'm gonna love it after all, it's an awesome looking bike. Now bless her heart, she doesn't rub it in and say, "I told you so" but she doesn't have to as I can see it in her eyes. I spend the rest of the week (my vacation time) stuck in the house too cramped up to go anywhere, do anything and the weather here has been great to boot. Here it is Monday morning and you just can't call in sick on the heels of a 2 week vacation so I'm up and at'em but though I'm feeling a little better, I'm not near 100%.

In conclusion, As much as I like my ST, I have to admit it was the wrong bike for me and I should have gotten an RT instead just like my Mrs's said. So maybe next week, I'll head out to see if I can somehow get out of my ST and into an RT without taking too much of a bath on it. Either way, it's gotta go. Maggie Valley is next but I'm darn sure I won't be making the trip on my ST. Honey, you were right....again. When will I learn .....TBC