Spyder Ryders Unite! According to this article, the Spyder is "designed to open up the motorcycling experience to people without the skill, determination, and daring it takes to ride a conventional motorcycle." So then--all of us Spyder owners don't have skill, determination, or daring? The article is found here: http://www.pscnow.biz/rsps/. I would encourage you to email the GM at ralcon@teamrands.com and voice your opinon on how much you lack in skill and daring. This is unacceptable. Spyder Ryders are not 2nd-class citizens on the road. Nor are we weak and feeble, as we're made out to be in this article. I served 11 years in the Army. I was on tanks, and believe me--daring is part of the job description. What an outrage.