I have a interesting new problem that has developed recently. Not sure if I'm correct in my assumption, so hopefully some of our resident experts will set me straight. I've been getting a check engine light when I start my Spyder, but it only occurs at work. I start the Spyder and it immediately revs to between 2000 and 2500 RPM and runs extremely rough. If I put it in gear (which I won't do again) it sounds like the pistons are banging (not saying that's what happening, just trying to describe the sound). This has happened twice-the last two times I took it to work. It never happens at home. After this occurs, I shut the bike off and wait for the computer to shut down and reset, then start again and it will run fine. Zero other problems. But, the reason I think this only occurs at work is because our parking lot is at about a 22% grade so my Spyder is parked for 9 hours leaning left or right (depending on if I backed in or pulled in straight). The rest of the time I park on a level surface. So, I'm assuming that maybe after nine hours parked this way my fluids may have drained to one side of the bike more or less and this is causing my difficulty ( I now park level-just have to walk further ). Does my parking at an angle theory sound like it holds water? Just wanted some feedback before I go panicking to my dealer. Plus I like to have at least some talking points if I do. Always find the best advice here!!

