I had a near miss with an 18 wheeler today at the intersection of Hurontario 10 and Forks of the Credit Rd. (for those familiar with the area). I'm travelling north along Hurontario highway (two lanes in each direction with a centre lane for left turns). There is no traffic light at this particular intersection...(you see where this is going...)

As I'm approaching the intersection to make a left turn, I notice a small family car ahead of me waiting for traffic to clear before making a left turn. There is an 18 wheeler approaching in the opposite direction (travelling at about 60mph).

At this point I'm about 200 yards away in the centre turn lane and slowed down to about 30mph (I was in no hurry as there were no cars behind me and I would only have to stop and wait for the truck to pass anyways).

Suddenly, the small family car decides to make the turn before the oncoming 18 wheeler clears (pretty risky considering the approaching speed). Just as quickly as he begins to turn, he stops (he did not notice the pedestrian crossing the road he was turning on to). Now he's positioned in the middle of the oncoming 18 wheeler's lane approaching at 60mph and probably about 100 yards away.

I'm now approaching the intersection at about 100 yards away and understandably, becoming a little bit concerned. I'm very worried the family in the small car is going to be broadsided by the 18 wheeler! I'm also worried the impact will push the small car in to my path and/or have parts of metal flying towards me

It then gets worse, the truck driver hits the brakes, I hear tires screeching, I see white smoke billowing, the truck begins to "wobble" and I thought for sure it was going to tip. The truck driver, instinctively, tries to avoid hitting the car and manoeuvres left....towards me on the Spyder

Oddly enough, I wasn't freaking out My mind figured, "you probably want to move out of the way of the out of control" 18 wheeler barreling towards you. I applied an aggressive, but smooth acceleration and moved across lanes.

Thank goodness no one was hit or injured. I saw the small family car drive off undamaged, the pedestrian was okay, the truck driver managed to regain control of his vehicle and I managed to successfully manoeuvre out of harm's way.

I continued my ride, but drove very cautiously home. (reminds me of the scene in the Tom Cruise film, Risky Business, after he picks up his father's repaired Porsche from the dealer. He's drives the car home at 5 mph "with flashers" and was over passed by two kids on bicycles).

Anyways, I thought I'd share this incident as you would all appreciate the gravity of my predicament. I certainly hope no one has to experience such an event!

Ride safe!