Ive read all the posts concerning the steering problems some of you guys have been having. Today while backing my spyder out of the storage building I had something happen that I have not seen discussed on here before (if it has and I missed it I apologize). My shop building has double doors that are exactly six foot wide, so its a tight fit to get her in and out. While attempting to back out I tried to line the spyder up with the door but I couldnt because the handle bars would not move to either side. Its like something was physically holding it in place. I kept trying to move the bars and it eventually let go. My question is has anyone experienced this before and should this be a concern. My spyder only has 2800 miles on her and I have not experienced any other problems before today. To be completely honest I was scared to take her out after this and decided not to until I could get some feed back. I wonder if this could be the start of some of the same problems others have had.