Just too hot to ride any motorcycle here today (36km n/w of Melbourne). Neither 2 nor 3 wheels. 43C/109F today and several days of > 38C/101F in the last week. And Adelaide is even hotter. I rode in 44C/111F last summer bringing the Spyder home from a service (about 40km) and nearly passed out from de-hydration about 4km from home. Glad I was on 3 wheels. I'd have fallen off a 2-wheeler when I stopped. Lost all co-ordination. Said I'd never do it again then two days later ended up riding in 48C/118F. NEVER AGAIN. Like riding into a furnace. Going faster usually creates a breeze. At these high temperature it works the opposite. Gets hotter. Guess it's the same principal as pumping air into a furnace to get the fire hotter.