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    Very Active Member Gwolf's Avatar
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    Default Free Books from The Gutenburg Project

    This is an Internet scource of completely free E-Books, which you can download in several different formats. There is no cost involved. There is no requirement to join anything. You do not need to supply an email address, name, or any other personal identifying information. I have been been using this service for many years. I do not have television, a personal choice, nothing to do with the cost. I do a lot of reading.

    The free books are from the "Gutenburg Project" and you can just put those two words in any search engine to find the websites. One of the primary websites which has a good variety of choices is;

    There is a variety of ways to search, by book name, author, popularity, and others. Books are in 60 or 70 different languages, and almost any type of book you can name. This is all perfectly legal and completely free. The way it works is there is a limit to the copyright on books. If the copyright is allowed to expire by the owner or it expires because the publications that own it go out of business, then the book goes into what is known as "Public Domain" , meaning anyone has the right to publish it and distribute it. All this information and legal rights are included at the end of every book you download from the Gutenburg Project. The only restriction on distribution is that you are not allowed to sell the books you download.

    Naturally, almost all the books available are older books, including many classics and educational books. Storage is not a problem. They can be stored on your computer or on a thumb drive. Just because the books were published 100 years ago, does not mean they are outdated. Many of the most popular authors of history are listed for download. Edgar Rice Buroughs, of Tarzan and Science Fiction fame. Jack London, famous for high adventure stories, Robert E Howard, famous for Conan The Barbarian, and known as the father of sword and scorcery tales, as well as Jules Verne, Zane Grey, and many others too numerous to list.

    The purpose of the Gutenburg Project is to promote reading and make a great variety of reading material available free to those who may not be able to afford the cost of other reading materials. Almost all the work of converting the books to digital format and proof reading is done by voluteers, which is the reason for the price break. You don't get much less expensive than free. Yes, I am involved in the Gutenburg Project. I have contributed to some of the proof-reading corrections as well as making the project more well known. It is available world-wide, anywhere there is Internet service, and in many different languages.

    If you are interested in reading, you don't need to sign in, you don't need to give any personal information, you don't need to pay one cent. As un-believable as it sounds, you just find a book you would like to read on their website, click on it, and you will be given over half a dozen options for formats it can be downloaded in. Some are the EPub format and some can be downloaded as simple Doc or Text files that could be read using any office software. You can send donations to the Gutenburg Project which are used to defray Internet costs and other expenses, but it is not required.
    Last edited by Gwolf; 02-15-2024 at 06:33 AM.
    2019 F3-S , Black & Silver

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