2016 STS...16k+ miles...just had a 14k service done about a month ago.

Went out for a group ryde today, and at my first fuel-up, I reset my Trip A odometer, as usual.
About 2 miles down the road I noticed it was still on zero! I flipped to Trip B and this was working properly, so I reset this one and kept it on the display.
About 60 miles later was our next fuel-up stop. A mile or so down the road, I checked Trip A again, and it was clocking properly.
Both Trip A and Trip B continued to work properly, with a 60-mile difference, for the remainder of the trip, including another fuel-up 100 miles later.

It seems like this was just a temporary "glitch".
About a year ago, my cruise control stopped working for a day or two, but has been fine since.
I guess these are just some random 'ghost in the machine' type issues, but if anyone has a reasonable explanation, I'd love to hear it.