Background - long term 2-wheel rider (most recently BMW GSs, Triumphs, Hondas) - who has a bad knee after 5 surgeries (4 unnecessary if the first one had worked). Sigh. But that is the case and I am where I am. I am 6'2", 240 (post Covid) lbs, and can only bend my left knee 70 degrees or so comfortably - so I need to stretch out a bit. If I want to continue to ride I need a DCT or automatic and the stability of a 3-wheeler. I ride 70% 2-up with my wife who loves to ride. I sat on a '21 Spider Limited and it worked.


How many of you have migrated from a 2-wheeler?
What was the transition like (in terms of ease and time to get comfortable)?
How does the experience change?
Do you miss the lean and 2-wheels?

Thanks so much,
