What do you think of BP advertising that if you fill your tank with its Ultimate with Invigorate gas (instead of regular) you can travel an additional 25 miles? I find it laughable and a grab for money.

Using the specifications for the 2020 Ford 150, which recommends using regular gas, and the average price per gallon of gas in NY, I found it will cost 64 cents per gallon more to use Ultimate ($2.19 vs $2.83 per gal).

According to its specifications, the Ford 150 will travel 575 miles on a tank (23 gal.) of gas on regular at a cost of $2.19 per gallon for a total of $50.37. Using Ultimate with invigorate, the Ford 150 will travel 600 miles at a cost of $2.83 per gallon for a total of $65.09. $14.72 additional.

I'm not spending $14.72 to travel 25 miles; that $14.72 can buy me 6.7 gallons of gas so I can travel around 168 miles. I'm sticking with the manufacturers recommendation to use regular gas in a Ford 150.