Picked up my wife's Syder today. I rode it back from Plattsmouth, Nebraska, about 130 miles, give or take. I'm a long time motorcycle
rider, 55 years or so of riding, and mostly sport bikes, no Harley. It was different, not bad just different. Granted it was mostly interstate, but
had no issues with wandering, bump steering, stuttering, running poorly, just ran like a top.

It's a 2013 with 4300 miles on it, yellow and in excellent condition. It seems that the cornering will take some practice before it feels comfortable.
I just hope I don't get used to no putting my feet down at stops. LOL Luckily with the low mileage there shouldn't be much maintenance due. It
does scoot down the road, very stable at 80 mph, even with the bit of wind there was today.

Now need to get a cover and change the oil.


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