Quote Originally Posted by kep-up View Post
How did I change the subject? We are discussing killings in schools! You say there is a "gun problem" in this country. I say you are wrong! There is NOT a gun problem, a gun is in inanimate object and can do nothing by itself, for pete's sake. We have a "human problem" and until we try to fix that there is no Band-Aid fix that will make a damn bit of difference.

Some of us need to take off the blinders we wear when we read stuff, stop listening to those driven by an agenda and actually THINK FOR OURSELVES. Seems that some of us are extremely closed minded.
You DID attempt to change the subject - from gun issues to abortion. They are not the same thing and do not have the same complicating factors. But just let me say this:

Until each and every Right To Lifer volunteers to adopt and raise, at their own expense, those unwanted fetuses (they are not "babies" until they are born) do not foist their expenses upon people like me. I raised my children at my own expense and do not want to pay to raise multiple generations of "welfare babies". If that sounds harsh then so be it but until you have a better solution don't harangue me about abortion.

And, you are absolutely WRONG about the "people problem". Since it is apparently impossible to tell who might commit a mass murder with a gun the only other reasonable response is to remove the weapon doing the damage.