Well @#$%^&*()_ .... the CB has GONE SOUTH AGAIN! Recall that this is the THIRD CB installed in this unit (one at purchase and two as warranty claims). On the last warranty, BRP replaced the following:

Entertainment harness (all of it, front and back components)
Installed the J&M Antenna that I had already purchased (they still owe me for that; were supposed to reimburse).

All this was done with the agreement that I disconnect ALL the LEDs (mirror, HMT, and rear run / brake / turn -- I agreed and left instructions with the tech on how to properly disconnect them (pull the power bridges) -- he did this on the mirror LEDs, but not on the rear (so the HMT was still working when we picked the bike up and I pointed this out).

Now, I think we need some background on what this dealer has "done" (rather damaged on this bike) -- then you will understand why I am so ANGRY and need to VENT (I will name the dealer at the end of this post):

  • First the glove box lid was scratched when the GPS was upgraded (at my request) to a Zumo 590 -- replaced under warranty
  • Then the left handle bar control module went south (PTT wasn't working well, turn signal sticking) -- replaced under warranty.
  • It was somewhere in this timeframe that the third CB was also installed and all but one of the LEDs unhooked (although, not properly). CB worked better than it EVER had BUT upon returning home could not open the seat to gas up. Back to the dealer, and they called about an hour later to say the latch was bent (replaced with one off the floor). Pick up bike the following morning, can't open the seat .... ummm, well, yes you can but you have to turn the key the WRONG way and I could no longer lock the steering.
  • Okay, so a new key switch is ordered and I "live" with the swapped cables for a week or so (as well as not being able to lock the handle bars). Key switch and new keys (under warranty) and we are good to go.
  • Realize, shortly after, that my ACS is not functioning (heated grips and horn are also toast... same fuse) -- blown compressor. Waited nearly two weeks for parts and replacement; only to be told that the fuse still blew after the compressor was replaced. Pinched wire in the heated grip circuit. Hmmm ... when did THAT happen? Oh ... that's right, the key switch was replaced (probably then).

So, now we come to the current dilemma .... CB can transmit, but cannot receive without EXTREME static. Unfortunately, I did not realize this was an issue until starting (slowly) to hook SOME of the LEDs back up. They are now ALL unplugged and still, I am saying to myself, this is a grounding issue. So this past weekend, we took ALL the Tupperware off the bike from the mirrors back and gained access to the "battery cover" under the seat. See photo below .... does that look like a properly installed ground to you? Not to me ... but, even with it hooked back up ... the CB is STILL almost pure static on receive (transmit is clear). Note that the entire rear cargo module must be removed in order to replace the compressor and, with the loose ground, I am wondering what else was not reinstalled properly (another pinched wire, but this time in the entertainment harness, perhaps?).

Here is what has me REALLY ANGRY! I took the photo below and sent it to the dealer that replaced the compressor -- first response; you hooked the LEDs back up, it's your fault. Then today he accused me of unhooking the ground ... WTF .. .are you serious!? I rather NOT calmly asked that he submit another claim to BRP and send the photo -- I am not sure he will and even if he does, I am sure he will pass along the lie that I unhooked the ground.

So ... here's the photo .....DisconnectedGroundSmall.jpg

I am beyond ANGRY, I am LIVID -- even if BRP approves yet another warranty claim on the CB (diagnosis, whatever); I am not sure I want C&S Fun Center in Henrietta Texas to touch this bike EVER again! My husband thinks I have an electrical lemon ... he may have a point.

Needed to vent and rant a bit ... do I feel better now? ... no, not really. The dealer that installed my tire cannot help (much) because they did not do the initial warranty repair. He did suggest I contact BRP directly ... though I know from posts here that they will just refer me back to the dealer. His other suggestion was BRPCare .... I think I will do that following this post (so be forewarned BRPCare, incoming ... I will try to be professional and simply state facts in my note to you, without emotion .... I feel I can vent here, not in any correspondence with you).

All the best ... thanks for listening ... constructive suggestions appreciated .... Ann