This past Saturday, a group of us from church gathered after a Men's Breakfast, and met up with a bunch of other guys for a ride to the Outer Banks and beyond. We had 10 motorcycles in all, with mine being the only Spyder. The rest were Harley's, except for one little 250cc rice rocket. This was my first "group ride", and I was surprised at the positive interest in the Spyder. The Harley guys were very welcoming, and curious about the tech specs of the Spyder. The weather was fantastic...mid 70's, sunny skies, and very little traffic. We rode to and along the Outer Banks (North Carolina), and down to Manteo for lunch. We then rode on twisty, turning country roads through some beautiful rural areas, and eventually back to Elizabeth City, our starting point. The ride was a bit over 200 miles, and my Spyder was awesome throughout the entire trip. I used 5.2 gallons of gas, which means I got 40 miles per gallon. I was amazed at the mileage, and re-did the math several times to be sure I was right. LOL I'm looking forward to many more such rides, either with a group or by myself. North Carolina is chock full of beautiful spots, and the Spyder is a fantastic way to experience them!